Fauldsy_C Member


  • Started Crossfit in April 2016... I am going 5 times a week, love every minute of it (even when i'm laying on the ground exhausted), my weight has stayed the same but my body is starting to see changes like never before. My wife and I are 44 & 45 and love the group work out atmosphere... motivated to keep up with the young…
  • So here is my take on this discussion.... December I was back up to 272lbs (mainy due to an injury & I stopped exercising and my diet went south). I started back to my program of hitting the gym.... I lost close to 20lbs fairly quickly by hitting the weights for 45 minutes then doing 20 minutes on a stationary bike. Once I…
  • I started 2-3/4 years ago, lost 45lbs. I was exactly like you I decided that day was the day..... to change my life. Over the past 8 months I haven't been tracking my food and I stopped going to the gym (September 2013 was the last time I was in the gym). I have gained back 15 pounds over that 8 months. 27 days ago I…
  • Great story! keep it up! you look fantastic.