

  • I would just like to encourage you to take it one day at a time. Sometimes I have to take it one meal at a time. I have been on this site for a couple months but I wait to get weighed in when I see my dietician. I had about 9 days where I just stop keeping of track of things. But I got back on here starting doing that and…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I am 51 and started this June 7. I have a lot of weight to lose like over 100 pounds. Seems insurmountable at times so all encouragement is welcome. I have loved this site so far. I have not weighed myself yet I am tyring to wait it out until I see my nutrtionist in July so I can tell her…
  • Unfortunately I have been overweight for a long time not all my life but long time. I am now riddled with diabetes that I have to take insulin for and other health issues. I am 51 years old and feel way to young for all these medications. I am slowly making changes it is still a work in progress. I am also sick of the FAT…
  • Congrats that is inspiring. I am just starting so this helps.
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