2Blackbirds Member


  • I just started Metformin last night, and I'm glad there's a community here for support! My background: I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009 at the age of 31, but I've probably had it since adolescence. My mother died of uterine cancer in 2011 (and had estrogen-positive breast cancer before that), most likely caused by the…
  • That was absolutely true for me. And now that the weight is (mostly) off, I feel like mentally I am still at the stage I was when I first started encountering unwanted attention. Like, I'm in my 30s, and if I had always been at this healthy weight, by now I would have about 20 years of experience dealing with creepy dudes…
  • I do, too, and not all of it is wanted. Catcalls, weird people at work hitting on me....sometimes I get frustrated and think, "Maybe I'll just gain it all back so I don't have to deal with this anymore," but then I check myself. I lost weight for the health benefits and don't want to put myself back at risk for diabetes,…
  • Switch to sugar-free jam and low-sugar fruits like berries. Like Tashmayes said, avoiding processed food and sticking to whole natural food sources is a simple way to avoid sugar, too. So much processed food has unnecessary sugar added to it! Bread, salad dressing, condiments....things you'd never suspect. Sugar is my…