

  • Thank you. Less waist already!! My back is 90% better but I still haven't been back in the gym. We're having a heat wave in England at the moment & we are just not set up for these kind of temperatures here. I am LOVING the sunshine but the air con in my gym is rubbish.
  • Woke up this morning back to square one with my back. I'm so fed up. Going to try to rest it as much as possible over the weekend & hope to get back to the gym on Monday. It's not all bad. I did my measurements last night, one week in & am really pleased - I've lost 5cm over my thighs, hips, waist & chest!! No change on…
  • My back is finally on the mend & I hope to be back in the gym tomorrow. Fingers crossed! I'm not following the nutrition plan, just trying to eat well most of the time.
  • Same here! Especially in the bum & abs for some reason!? I pulled muscles in my lower back the other day & that was a BAD pain though. :ohwell:
  • Yeah I got up early this morning to go to the gym but my back was still too stiff and sore so back to bed I went. I will try again tomorrow morning & see how I feel. Will definitely have something to eat & drink first this time. I'm not great at eating first thing though so do you think a protein shake made with semi…
  • Thanks for the link Siany, very informative. What time of day is everyone doing their workouts? Do you eat first? I had my first go at B before breakfast on Saturday morning & was unable to finish the lunges. I felt really sick & shaky. I think I need to have something to eat before doing these workouts. I did my second…
  • Thanks for the reply. That's a good idea. How exactly did you work it out please? Did you do separate calculations for A and B?
  • Thanks for the replies. I've just started doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women & am logging for my own progress really. The example I was thinking of was last night when I was doing step ups with a dumbbell in each hand - wasn't sure if I was lifting 10kg or 5kg if you see what I mean? Whatever the answer, I'm going…
  • Hi everyone! :smile: I did my first workout from the book last night (stage 1 workout A). The biggest mistake I made was showing one of the gym trainers my worksheet & asking him to show me how to use the squat rack. He spent the next 10 minutes trying to convince me to use the power plate instead! Eventually we…
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