kjordan0 Member


  • I find scheduling it helps make sure I do it. I like to find training plans that have a structure and a goal. Right now I am on a 10 week running plan on TrainingPeaks to get me to run a 5k. Sun: Short Run Mon: Cross Train (swim, weights, yoga, anything that gets you moving) Tue: Easy Run Wed: Rest Thur: Long Run Fri:…
  • Try and drink a big glass of water (or two!) first. Sometimes you feel hungry because your body is actually thirsty.
  • Congrats on getting started! I agree with determined and babs - try a couch to 5k program. I used one with an iphone app (http://www.active.com/mobile.htm). I am 41, and started running at 260 pounds, and had not run since they forced us to in high school gym. The interval aspect of the program is key to becomming better.…