gtbalm Member


  • My treadmill didn't have any stat today I used my brand new elliptical trainer.....I programmed it with my stats. I did one of it's workout programs and it said I burned 288 HRM said 263.....LOL, silly machines.....confusing me more.
  • I never gave any thought to an HRM, I'm very very new to all this. I never eat back my cals burned, mostly because I'm such a beginner at exercise that I never get more than 150 cals burn per time. So, what HRMs are suggested? Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Ok, both have my height/weight etc info......I used the 5mph only because the app said my pace was that....but it did also say my average was 3mph, even tho I never supposedly went below 5mph. I wish I had awesome speed walking skills LOL. Ok using the 3mph speed, MFP says 94 cals, which is much closer to the others 73.…
  • I would like a copy of the pamphlet also please :) Thanks, Lisa
  • That is definitely me!!! I can't stand exercise! Borrrrring! It's so hard for me to do it. I'd rather do housework than exercise! I'm with you on this one!
  • Hello there, I've always heard it is important to eat within a half an hour of when you wake up, regardless of what time that is. Breakfast is whenever you get up. Your body has gone without food all night or day and needs something to help kick start it. I can't imagine it matters what time that long as it is…
  • Thanks for telling us about this, I had no idea they had instant watch videos! This is great for me, I get bored with exercise after the 2nd I have lots of variety.
    in Home gyms! Comment by gtbalm June 2011
  • I've never thought of it like that before.....but I will from now on! LOL, thanks for pointing that out :)
  • Getting in all the water can be the worst! I have a couple of things I do to make it a little easier.... First, I use a large container each time I have a "glass". The one I use I got from Walmart, and it holds 24 oz of liquid. It is a no spill bottle, so I can take it everywhere. Second, I always always have one filled…
  • Thanks everyone! Chevy88grl, That's true, I'm trying to be restrictive during my loss phase, then once I'm at my goal weight I will allow myself the occasional indulgence. I just have to get my mind wrapped around it being a lifestyle, and not a diet. :) Lisa