laral28 Member


  • Hang in there. When you stop looking it will happen. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. I think when you stop looking you behave more natural and comfortable and that is attractive. Furthermore, you are adorable and you look great. Take your time and try some meet-ups. Best of luck. If you need a big sister I'm your…
  • Sound like you're on the right track. You could also try some strength training. Don't know how much you enjoy that, but increasing muscle also increases metabolism. Best of luck being an AND girl!
  • I know it's good to mix it up just to keep the muscles "confused." That said, abs are the one muscle group that can be worked everyday from the reading I've done. My thought, if you like it and it's working, go with it. Your body will tell you if it gets bored and you can adjust then.