

  • I am eating low carb. The key is to exercise on top of the change in your diet (I use the word diet to mean the food you eat, not a "diet"). When I don't exercise as much, I plateau, if I keep the carbs low and keep a high level of activity, the weight comes off. I had really good progress and have lost 14 pounds, but am…
  • You just have to drink enough water to avoid constipation. No real reason not to. Depends on the source of fiber. If it is from real food then it should be fine.
  • Good topic and great advice! Water keeps things working and moving like they should - general health & fitness; and water helps us with our weight loss goals. Listen and watch the signals from your body to know if you are getting enough.
  • Those of us on the obese end of the BMR benefit from low carb. It helps level out the numbers and lose the weight. If you only need to lose a few pounds or maintain, low carb may not be your thing. I found that limiting bread and other processed foods that my energy went up and my skin cleared up. My blood numbers are…
  • Pushups & planks & rowing. I do kayaking, it's great I get scenery, plus a little weight lifting carrying the kayak c. 50 yards to the lake and back. Swimming, plus anything else mentioned by others that requires you to basically work your whole body.
  • This is a tough situation. I understand where you are coming from, not identical scenarios, but going through and being divorced sucks. I hope that you are able to reconcile. Just be patient and work through the emotions. The hardest part in these situations, for me anyway, is that old saying, "It is ok to feel the way you…
  • I support, training, and documentation for payroll and accounting software for city & county governments.
  • I'm still on BP meds. They can mess with your BP with sudden movements up and down also and make you more sensitive to hot weather. If your workout space is not well ventilated, you could be getting too hot. Lots of different factors could be at play here.
  • When I was in college and working outside in the summer, I tanned very well. I had someone ask if I was Mexican. Nope, Northern and Western European. English, Scots, Irish, Dutch, German. Almost all of my ancestors we have been able to trace were here before the American Revolution. My Dad took a surname DNA test and our…
  • Don't know why, but there is something about freckles, very attractive.
  • Don't buy the junk food. Once it's gone, they have to eat what you fix. I remember being a teenage boy and eating everything in sight. By the end of the month I was eating lots of saltines & peanut butter. Active teenage boys are bottomless pits. If I buy junk food, like a bag of chips, my youngest eats it in one sitting.…
  • Obviously it is your own body, but my opinion is women don't need them. If they were done in such a way that it wasn't obvious, that is different. For example, if you are old enough to remember Pam Anderson before she got hers, I don't think she needed them. What she got, and what so many seem to get are overboard. How…
  • You didn't specify the nature of your injury. The main thing is to do things that don't aggravate or slow the healing process. Modify exercise to allow you to get the workout you need. I have had bad knees since a teenager, but I know my limits. Getting back in shape, I feel like I want to run, but I know I have a lot more…
  • You may find that certain kinds of junk are too sweet and no longer pleasing to your palate. I doubt you will eat cake and candy 3 meals a day for a week. You can still make healthy choices, drink enough water, and get enough exercise that a week "off the wagon" won't be a train wreck. Enjoy yourself and try not to sweat…
    in My week Comment by Fasbold July 2012
  • On the walking trail near my house.
  • My doctor told me to keep my carbs under 200g a day and if I can do less then do it. He said he used 200 because it does not leave you feeling totally deprived. He said he used to recommend 60g a day, but that seemed too hard for people. He said to eat all the healthy foods I wanted, just make sure that the fats are…
  • I use butter because it is real, not some overly processed chemicals. I made this change a few years ago, after deciding I should only eat real food that is as close to what it is at the source. When my doctor was telling me to eat low carb this Spring, he said eat healthy fats, butter and olive oil. Basically he said I…
  • We all ebb and flow in our level of motivation & desire. The key is consistency and taking those small steps everyday, eventually you reach your goal. It is not a race of speed but persistence. Fitness is best when you are the tortoise making continued progress, you will win. We all need days to slack off and enjoy a…
  • Way back egg yolks were evil because of cholesterol. More recent studies debunk that idea. I eat them. The only thing I know of to separate them for is merenge and certain types of frosting, which I don't like anyway. ;)
  • Plan some room in your calories for some of those things you can't resist. Just follow the labels for the serving size. I didn't realize that a pint size ice cream is considered 3.5 servings until I had to log it into MFP. WOW! We Americans have the mindset that the whole container is one serving. I don't keep ice cream in…
  • I want to see curves. Not huge exaggerated curves, but lean and healthy curves. Men are predisposed to notice the curves on women. Some react more to more curves. Some focus on particular portions of anatomy. I like the whole package. A good looking, confidant woman with a brain, nice personality, and a great smile is a…
  • Congratulations! I really appreciate how someone my age, a tiny bit older actually, can do what I am just starting. You keep me on my toes and check up on me. Keep up the good work! Oh, yeah, KEEP PUNCHING! - ALL IS POSSIBLE!
  • I guess you need to ask yourself some questions first. 1.) Is my mom the kind of person who will take this in the spirit in which it is intended, or will she hold it over me the rest of her life and feel that she was wronged by you? Will it help or hurt your relationship? 2.) Is this one of those letters that writing it…
  • Great Job! Keep up the good work!
  • Fantastic! Inspirational!