

  • There's nothing quite like having a friend ask if you've lost some weight and you being able to say, "why yes I have." Good for you. Hopefully you'll get more of those comments as the pounds keep coming off.
  • Like some of the others, when I have a high-calorie day (a party, a fancy dinner out, etc.), I have two tactics: (1) I try and work some of it off with exercise; and (2) barring that, I try and just make it a maintenance day in which I keep to my basic caloric intake without my weight loss calories taken off. Often when…
  • I fit into clothes from ten years ago that I had optimistically packed away. It was great to pack away the larger pants because they were just too large and find that the older ones fit perfectly. This past weekend I went to a formal banquet and wore a uniform that I haven't worn in years (it was the uniform I got married…
  • I was like you and was amazed that I lost 2 lbs a week. But it was hard to argue with the scale week after week. Just be happy that you had a nice month and keep up the good work.
  • I reached my goal weight today, so I can't offer advice on maintaining it. But I can say how I reached my goal. Granted, I had a pretty small goal (20 lbs.), so it may not be as helpful as I'd hope. My strategy was simply to be scrupulous about keeping track of calories and make sure that I lowered my calorie allowance as…
  • The hardest thing about dieting is often simply starting, and you've crossed that hurdle. You've also made a good start coming to MFP. I've found that more than anything else it's been the awareness of what I eat that MFP brings that's helped me the most. When you log everything you eat, you realize how high in calories…