

  • Hi neighbor! I'm in Tennessee :) It can be hard to get in shape, especially in the South where everything is deep-fried! Sounds like your son will be a great inspiration to you. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you like. Have a great night, and good luck on your steps towards complete fitness!
  • I drink plenty of water, and follow the serving sizes. My indulgence is Cheez-its, but I limit myself to 1 serving and eat 1 piece at a time. Weekends are also great for working off all the cals, like the other posters mentioned.
  • After reading your post, I can relate. Sometimes, you don't feel like working out, and it helps to have someone to check in with to keep you on the right track. I joined this site for that very reason! My name's Lyn, if you would like to buddy with me :)
  • I'm in the same boat- it's hard to exercise when you have a lot going on. Instead of setting a goal of 30min a day, start with 5min. Walk down to the corner and back, or walk around your school/office/shopping center every day. Start with 5, and work up to 10, 15, 20, then 30. Anyone can spare 5 minutes a day...