highlandlass49 Member


  • Hi reading your post has made me aware that I too was guilty of looking at others and thinking well I am not as bad as they are. I am not as fat as them. It sounds shocking when you read it and worse when you realize that you are guilty of it too. I guess everyone compares themselves with others whatever the problem is…
  • :smile: Hi I need to lose weight for health reasons to. It is really hard I have just started again. I am determined this time and I have my youngest daughter who is being very encouraging even doing this with me not to lose but so she can maintain her weight. I know that you will do well
  • :smile: You have done really well. I am back here for a second time, I do alright for a while and then something happens and I fall back. This time I am determined my sister and I want to go to UK in 2016. I know I have to do it for my health. Good luck I am encouraged by your progress