

  • Greasy takeout pizza..... so cheesy and bready and meaty... uh oh, I think i just drooled. lol
  • My name is Rachel. I started MFP a week ago. Before MFP I tried doing the diet thing on my own and it was a drag, I just couldn't figure it out I guess. I weighed 175 and managed 5lbs on my own. (Wooh!) But hopefully with MFP I'll be able to loose more weight especially if i have a buddy to help motivate me! :)I'm 22 years…
  • I weigh myself every morning before I eat breakfast. I know that weight fluctuates daily, but I like to look at it. It keeps me motivated for that day. I like to think "I can weigh less if I eat healthy and exercise today and tomorrow will look better because of today". I know it's kind of goofy but it's helping me so far.…
  • I LOVE Aldis. They have a lot of really good food choices. AND they have super awesome deals on other things too. I recently bought a digital food scale there for 5 dollars!!!! Bargin! Their fresh produce is always pretty good to pick from. They have their "Fit and Active" options too that are pretty tasty. I just recently…
  • WOW! Thank you for posting this. That was really amazing and I think that it's great that something was said about this kind of bullying and something was done. Especially with it being anti-bullying month. The man who wrote that letter said that she needed to be an "suitable example" for the community. She is way more…
  • @skibunn- Proud of your ta tas. lol :)
  • 9. :) your eyes are stunning and I love your hair!!
  • Growing up, I'd always been a lot chubbier than my older sister. We were in the same sports, ate the same food, and had the same lifestyle. As we got older, she stayed thin and I got bigger and bigger. Especially around my mid-section. I think that's a common problem among women with PCOS is problems with belly weight.…
  • Hourglass shape to be completely jealous of! :)
  • I had some super bad acne. The kind where I was going to the Dermatologist 2 times a month. It was such a drag and nothing seemed to help. Then, I started working out.. and staying HYDRATED. Water helps wonders. My skin has never been clearer. I have some scars but even those are starting to fade. It's been about a year…
  • Indiana! :)
  • Hello, my name is Rachel. I'm really excited to see this group posted on here! I'm 21 years old and was diagnosed about two years ago after a very early morning run to the hospital, thinking I had gotten stabbed in my sleep. For all of you ladies with PCOS you know exactly what I mean. At first, I was really scared. I'd…