Bad skin question



  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Certain birth control pills work better for the prevention of acne. I take Yaz and I've heard Ortho Tricyclin works well also.

    Obagi makes an acne line, its prescription only. I use their Rx anit-aging cream.

    A doctor or dermatologist would know best. Good luck!
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    great tips thanks. I didn't like the situation where acne got worse with diet and exercise. thats just not fair.

    I'm on ortho tri cyclen. it helps a bit.
  • thenessa
    I'm surprised that I haven't seen SLEEP as a response yet.

    Nights where I only get 3-6 hours of sleep, I notice that my face breaks out significantly more than when I get 7-8 hours of sleep. The more rest I get, the more clear and refreshed my skin appears.

    SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP does the body good!
  • WeatherGirl88
    WeatherGirl88 Posts: 41 Member
    I've had pretty bad cystic acne since I was 11 (Yikes!) and I just recently (finally?) went to a dermatologist who prescribed a sulfer wash. Which worked. I'm so crazy enthusiastic, because IT'S BEEN SO LONG and my skin, while not completely clear, isn't bad at all!
  • JessicaBR0
    JessicaBR0 Posts: 256 Member
    I don't have food advice but have you tried Cetaphil cleanser and lotion? I had breakouts every month too, until I started using it. It takes a couple weeks to a month to notice the change.
  • ksarkarati
    ksarkarati Posts: 24 Member
    An aesthetician recommended that I cut out dairy for a month and see how that affected my skin. I also was having breakouts on my lower cheeks and jawline. I essentially cut out dairy and it has really made a difference! It's worth it to try for a few weeks.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I thought this was a teen problem =/

    Adult acne is pretty common. It could be hormonal, it could be caused by something pressing against your cheeks and chin, it could be dietary. To figure out if it's diet, you have to systematically eliminate one suspect food for about three weeks. If there's no change, then try eliminating something else.
  • roxmysoxoffkys
    I had some super bad acne. The kind where I was going to the Dermatologist 2 times a month. It was such a drag and nothing seemed to help. Then, I started working out.. and staying HYDRATED. Water helps wonders. My skin has never been clearer. I have some scars but even those are starting to fade. It's been about a year since I've started the lifestyle change, it's gotten much better.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Huge amounts of dark leafy greens have done more for me than any topical product. Maybe it's the vitamin a.
    I am borderline addicted to my huge green smoothies.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I have just finished a 9 month course of Accutane. I didnt have a problem until I was 27 and then BAM! You know, when I wished to look like a teenager again one New Years I think the wish fairy took me all wrong!

    Before the Accutane I had the most awful cystic acne that was so painful I had to use ibuprofen gel on my face just to cope. To get rid of it I had to go wheat, sugar and dairy free but it was a tough diet to follow and every time I slipped up Id pay for it with my face!

    After trying every topical and anti-biotic and an 18mth wait I got to see a dermatologist who put me on Accutane. Its not pleasant, I can only recommend it if all else has failed. Constant back ache, dry eyes, chapped lips and realllly itchy, dry skin all over. Only being able to use unscented toiletries and E45 for moisturiser was ok but got a bit boring. The worst bit was staying out of the sun, one day I burned in 10 minutes through a factor 30!
    On the upside, I cleared up within the first 2 months of starting treatment and have been clear ever since. Still have a minor back ache but Ill take that over feeling like my face is going to explode any day!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I used to have acne, but since I've started eating better, I haven't had one pimple, even during TOM. I drink a LOT of water and I know that makes a huge difference. I also use oil-free scrub and moisturizer by Origins. I hope you find something that works for you!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    My daughter says she is getting great results from adding Epsom salts into her facial scrub ...she found the otc cure on the net..I think a dr. oz suggestion. It has cleared her face up.
  • BunniPage
    BunniPage Posts: 49 Member
    I have just finished a 9 month course of Accutane. I didnt have a problem until I was 27 and then BAM! You know, when I wished to look like a teenager again one New Years I think the wish fairy took me all wrong!

    Before the Accutane I had the most awful cystic acne that was so painful I had to use ibuprofen gel on my face just to cope. To get rid of it I had to go wheat, sugar and dairy free but it was a tough diet to follow and every time I slipped up Id pay for it with my face!

    After trying every topical and anti-biotic and an 18mth wait I got to see a dermatologist who put me on Accutane. Its not pleasant, I can only recommend it if all else has failed. Constant back ache, dry eyes, chapped lips and realllly itchy, dry skin all over. Only being able to use unscented toiletries and E45 for moisturiser was ok but got a bit boring. The worst bit was staying out of the sun, one day I burned in 10 minutes through a factor 30!
    On the upside, I cleared up within the first 2 months of starting treatment and have been clear ever since. Still have a minor back ache but Ill take that over feeling like my face is going to explode any day!

    I went on Roaccutane twice in my mid twenties! I had tried absolutely everything before that... Diet, antibiotic gels, demabraision and the list goes on! I had horrid painful cystic acne around my jawline and sometimes on my forehead and cheeks.

    The first round of treatment worked quickly and they took me off it after 4 months because I responded so well to it. Then about a year or so later I got two nasty painful zits on my face and I freaked out and went straight back to the dematologist. Second time I was on it for 6 months. I occaisionally get a sore-ish pimple - but very rarely, and people always comment on my lovely skin! I always HATED my skin until a few years ago, so it's still strange to me when people compliment me on it.

    My skin was a lot dryer while on the drugs, but I used QV moisturiser on my skin and lanolin on my lips 24/7 so I never had any issues with cracked skin!

    Good luck! :)
  • imogen11
    Have you seen a dermatologist? I had similar acne problems, also since I was about 12, and what's really worked for me is spironolactone. I haven't had any breakouts since I've been on it, and no nasty side effects either. I still get the occasional random pimple but not the big ones along my chin/neck/jawline and only if I do something naughty like sleep in my makeup.

    Another vote here for spironolactone. I'm 35 and have spend most of my life with acne, so I've tried a lot of acne remedies and medications. Spiro is my miracle cure. My skin is 100% clear. I only get the odd, very minor pimple on rare occasions. Side effects have been very minimal and most disappeared early on with a few adjustments to my dosage. If you suffer acne and the cause is a sensitivity to androgen, or your body produces too much androgen, Spiro will work like a dream. Guaranteed.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    After trying every topical and anti-biotic and an 18mth wait I got to see a dermatologist who put me on Accutane. Its not pleasant, I can only recommend it if all else has failed. Constant back ache, dry eyes, chapped lips and realllly itchy, dry skin all over. Only being able to use unscented toiletries and E45 for moisturiser was ok but got a bit boring. The worst bit was staying out of the sun, one day I burned in 10 minutes through a factor 30!

    On the upside, I cleared up within the first 2 months of starting treatment and have been clear ever since. Still have a minor back ache but Ill take that over feeling like my face is going to explode any day!

    Accutane was the only treatment that worked for me and I went on three or four courses over a couple of decades. Fortunately, the only major SE I had was dry lips. My dermatologist recommended a product called "Bag Balm." I didn't realize they were still prescribing Accutane given all the liability suits. I imagine you have to have a very bad case to get it today.
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    i swear by Mario Badescu products. google that stuff!