

  • Soreness is most often associated with the body producing lactic acid when it goes into anaerobic respiration in the muscles. Most cardio excercises, like the eliptical, are aerobic excercises and your muscles have plenty of oxygen to burn the sugars instead of ferment them. This is probably why you don't get sore.
  • There are many authorities which claim that high calorie days are important to weight loss. It supposedly keeps the body guessing just like the idea of muscle confusion in P90x. I have also heard that the biggest loser contestants have one high calorie day in their week. Now, high is a relative idea. A person may eat a few…
  • P90x is an everyday workout. Each day is a different body part or different type of workout. The idea is muscle confusion, it doesn't let your muscles get used to the type and duration of the movements. This makes them work harder. There are several different ways that you can approach P90x. The classic program is the one…
  • The man on top of the mountain did not fall there