

  • I have not followed the plan menu's specifically, I pick from the allowed foods. I do like eggs so that helps. I miss my cereal and oatmeal. I definatly miss eating fruit liberally. I'll probabaly introduce carbs again this week, I've got a 160 mile bike ride on Saturday - I'll need it.
  • I purchased the South Beach Diet Book that has a shiny blue soft cover published in 2003, so it may be the first edition. I find it pretty easy, however I did learn a lesson yesterday. I am an avid cyclist and I had not ridden any long distances since cutting the carbs. Yesterday I went off the plan and had my typical…
  • I am in phase 1, it seems pretty easy for me. I started last week and hit a bump monday with a big mac - but that was definatly avoidable, just didn't feel like it at the time. I bought the latest copy of the book and it has great recipies and sections called "my south beach" with various testomonials, etc.
  • Welcome! I'm new as well. The single most important thing that has ever made anything work for me is asking God for help. And second most important is to have a support system. Ask your family and friends to join you to inspire you and have fun in the process.