

  • Really??? When my throat is the least bit raw from singing or if it is raw and I want to sing pineapple juice or anything super acidic always seemed to irritate it more. I know olive oil is a trick they used on American Idol (to gargle, not swallow, I believe). As far as drinking it everyday from a nutritional standpoint,…
  • My favorite healthy food-YIPPEE!!!
  • I like that idea too! For pizza, I use some type of circle pita bread for the crust, a tiny bit of olive oil, fat-free mozzerella, chicken from a can (drained and rinsed, then drained again-only if in oil instead of water). I like onions and red peppers and a little garlic or garlic salt on mine, I also experiment w/ red…
  • God, I need help with this too. I try to avoid carbs as much as possible except for wheat bread, fat-free kettle corn, pita bread, tortillas (soft) and baked chips. However, if I don't have any or much, I always still feel hungry....and bored with my meals and options.
  • No, no, I WANT you try it, I'm a chicken. Plus I'm unemployed right now, so I have not been any more ingredient-creative than I was when I had a job. But i still think it sounds decent. If anyone tries it, tell me if it's good, please?
  • I'm not going to write it out here, but I just found a recipe for African Chickpea Stew. Look under Recipes on It looks pretty good, chickpeas, sweet potatoes, stewed tomatoes & more. Anytime I can eat sweet potatoes, I'm a happy camper, love 'em.....
  • Stuartme123---> Great idea, that's so 'Iron Chef America' of you! ;) The only thing I know about chickpeas is that they go into hummus. My mom served plain ones when I was in high school & I thought they were horrid w/ no flavor, But I have taught myself to love hummus with baked chips or raw veggies since it is one of the…
  • Speaking as someone who does NOT cook much (my mother hates cooking, therefore, I never learned): How about the best, easiest most effective weight-loss recipes (this last one measured by those who have used it and seen measurable results)? Rules are, they must not have more than 8-10 ingredients (so we won't have to buy…