I have quinoa and egg whites in the morning to get more protein.
I like it much more when I practice good form and am listening to good music while I run. Running with my two dogs also helps motivate me since they both seem so happy when they are out. Their enthusiasm can be contagious.
I had another thought. See if there are any running groups in your area. I found a group that was run by one of our local shoe stores. There were runners at all levels and it was fun to have others to run with and to get tips.
Find a good Couch to 5K plan ( This is a good way to start out slow and build up. It helps to break up the monotony also. I found a good podcast that I downloaded to my iPod so I could have music and someone telling me when to run and walk. Good Luck!
I liked the book "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth.
Get a dog. Great motivational tools and always eager for a walk or run. Ours let me know when I have missed their exercise.:happy: