

  • yes this is for real. I am a coach through beachbody and I wouldn't be until I know it gives you results. I'm currently doing Insanity. If you want anymore information about it, let me know. I know a lot about the workout
  • also anything peppermint helps curb your appetite. Try that and lots of water :)
  • Hello. First off, I believe we all go through this from time to time. You just have to think how far you came. Think, the more days I put this off, the longer it's going to take to get the weight off. Focus on what motivates you such as your children. Find something that works in your schedule. Maybe you need to switch…
  • Congarts Maria
  • Jaz, at least you tried. I just like the challenging part of it. It's so rewarding in the end. JM (Jillian Michaels?) If so, I have done her 30 day shred. She's good too. Good luck on your goal
  • congrats
  • Cool! I am a coach for beachbody and I am also doing it right now. I had to stop due to my ankle but excited to get back into it. It's fun Valarie! :) Taylor, it's challenging but leaves you feeling amazing after the workout!
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