

  • I am just thankful I have lost the weight I have using this site. There are much bigger things in my life than miscalculating by a few calories or tenths of a carb. And I have started eating healthier which is my goal. :smile:
  • I find I do better if I don't eat after 5 or even earlier. I work 12 hour shifts so I am usually pretty hungry when I get home at seven. I actually feel better also If I quit earlier probably because I sleep better.
  • It looks like you are doing great through all the frustration. It really is difficult since we are a food oriented society. All the commercials and food shows. It has been difficult for me with the grandkids here for the summer. I have managed to stay on track most of the time. If I have a sugar cookie that we have just…
  • Congats for starting this wonderful journey to better health. add me as a friend if you would like. It is fun to share and keep up with each other and how they are doing. :smile:
  • great job. Keep it going. It encourages us all
  • I have cravings, I think we all do. I will some times give in. I count the calories than later usually realize maybe it wasn't worth it. I had strawberry shortcake last week and it really did not hurt me at all. I just counted the calories and went on. If we don't give in once in a while we will go off completely. I was…
  • Great job Heather!!!!! Keep uo the good work
  • Every Dr I have ever went to said 8 glasses of water a day at a minimum and that is 8, 8oz glasses. One said drinik enough to keep your urine clear and that takes me a minimum of 8 glasses. We need to flush those toxins out of our body.
  • Hi Shaunda. I am an RN in Arkansas and am happy to be a partner.