

  • hi...i am 5'2 and 200lbs! so yes i am obese. i have a 2 months old and i haven't lost all the baby weight yet. plus the weight i put on before i conceived when i was doing hormone therapy. i HAVE had health issues in the past, before i was pregnant, i was on blood pressure medication, thyroid medication, pre-diabetes diet,…
  • hey, im in the houston area
    in texas Comment by almom23 June 2012
  • Oh honey, don't cry! You know the changes you have to make and you are headed in the right direction. :) I have a 2 month old too! I'm in a 16/18...and i hate it! i look about 5months preggo still. Let's do this together! My motivator to work out when I don't want to is knowing that I will feel good when I'm done. So I…
    in I cried. Comment by almom23 June 2012
  • hello, i am nursing too! i had lost about 20lbs of the 30lbs i gained during pregnancy...and now the weight is creeping back up! i'm not a happy camper!!! lol this is my 1st time nursing, so i have no idea how to 'diet' while nursing? hoping someone with experience will help us out?
    in Nursing mom Comment by almom23 June 2012