I cried.

Hi all.

I am a momma of 2, my youngest is 2 months. Since he's been born I've been cleaning up my eating habits a lot and trying to make better choices daily. I want to be healthy for myself, husband and my kids. Yesterday I had a setback, but I think it's turning into a motivator. I went into a local dept store because I really needed a pair of shorts. My maternity clothes are too big, but my regulars are too small. I had to size into an 18. I've never been this big. I am 240, and it REALLY shocked me that this is where I "allowed" myself to get. I cried right there in the dressing room, staring into all 4 huge mirrors. I feel like a failure I guess.

If you have any tips to share with my I'd greatly appreciate it. What do you do when you feel like you're losing motivation, or don't "want" to exercise? How do you get yourself to take in enough water?

Thank you.


  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Don't get down on youself you can do it. You seem to have the motivation and want to lose weight so have at it!!! Patience is a must when losing weight, but wanting it is even more of a must. Take a now picture and hang it up next to your bed and you will look at it every morning to keep you motivated. you can do it:flowerforyou:
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    put up lots of mirrors
  • I have to agree with kgprice11...You're here and you're taking that first step in making a change. I have about 100 to lose also and the journey has been hard but it's been worth it.. I didn't gain weight until my 2nd pregnancy and by the 3rd one I just didn't care. I have been so caught up in my daughter's lives that I kinda forgot about mine. Now they exercise with me and love watching me change. They are biggest supporters, not to mention the incredible support I've gained from this site! Feel free to add me. And there are ton of amazing people on my page who I just could not be without on this journey! :flowerforyou:
  • I know what it's like. My son is 2 and I realized that I weighed more than when I had him 2 years ago. I have lost about 30 lbs, but have had a rough and emotional 2 weeks of eating and not choosing healthy foods. I have put back on a few lbs and feel quite depressed. So instead of just putting back everything I lost I am going to put that behind me and just get back into the healthy lifestyle that made me feel better physically and emotionally. You can do it!! I am here for ya. add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Aw, hang in there girl! You've hit your breaking point, and that can be a really good thing!

    I love to exercise...but I didn't always enjoy it. It took finding an activity that I love (cycling) for me to really take control of my health. Now I see food as fuel to make me a better athlete, and I see weight training and running as cross training for cycling (which, oddly enough, I no longer see as exercise...it's more of a hobby).

    My point is, find something you enjoy. Zumba, walking, kickboxing... Once you find it, you'll feel empowered by your success and no matter what your weight is, you'll feel better about your body and yourself. You're in the right place!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    When I dont 'want' to I go anway, because I know I'll feel better afterwards and be glad I did. I also remind myself that nothing worth having is easy, and if I want to change my body Ive got to change my behaviour too. You just have to suck it up and go for it!x
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    We've all been there those mirrors and the lighting are horrible. Keep that memory and use it as motivation. I agree with having a photo tacked by the fridge or a bathroom mirror. Get most of your water in the am so less struggle in the afternoon. Bring your water bottle around with you. You can do it!
  • erikkasusann
    erikkasusann Posts: 104
    You already did the first part, sometimes the hardest part, you decided to do it! I'm pretty new to this game, and I'm still struggling, but this is a great place to find motivation & help keep you accountable. My best advice to get started is just to really think about everyday choices (take the stairs instead of the elevator, have a veggie burger instead of a cheeseburger) and let yourself be proud of every little one. The more you start to make healthy choices, the easier it seems to get. No more tears mama, you've GOT THIS!!!
  • happy0912
    happy0912 Posts: 7
    wow, thank you all for the support and advice. :smile:
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I've cried in many a dressing room....Don't get down about, just get serious about the changes you need to make. I've used every excuse in the book, and tried every quick fix there is, btu the truth is we have to make conscious choices all day everyday to live/eat well. Sometimes I may choose a cupcake (typically only if I have the calories or plan on earning them from working out), but most of the time I just skip it. After seeing how many calories are in treats, I usually feel they aren't worth it, I'd rather have a nice steak or some pasta at dinner than eat a candy bar now. That being said, none of us are perfect (see diary), but we are learning and changing. Good Luck!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I stare at myself naked in the mirror for about 5 minutes. That usually kicks my motivation right up. :-/ Sad but sooo true!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Hang in there. Take it day by day and make small changes. Eventually those little changes will pay off and become routine for you!
  • cornlady
    cornlady Posts: 15
    Aw, hang in there girl! You've hit your breaking point, and that can be a really good thing!

    I love to exercise...but I didn't always enjoy it. It took finding an activity that I love (cycling) for me to really take control of my health. Now I see food as fuel to make me a better athlete, and I see weight training and running as cross training for cycling (which, oddly enough, I no longer see as exercise...it's more of a hobby).

    My point is, find something you enjoy. Zumba, walking, kickboxing... Once you find it, you'll feel empowered by your success and no matter what your weight is, you'll feel better about your body and yourself. You're in the right place!

    I agree with Lisa, hang in there. Crying helps release the stress, get it out of your system and move on. YOU CAN DO THIS. Dont buy any food that shouldnt be in your diet and while doing this you are teaching your kids to eat healthy too. Just keep moving forward!! Hugs!!
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Your baby is 2 months, so he/she eats pretty frequently, right? Everytime you have to feed your LO, make yourself drink a cup of water.

    You're only 2 months post-partum and things in your body are thinking and feeling crazy things. I know it's not easy being the largest you've ever been, but it took time to get there and it will take some time to get it off. Trust me, I know. Give yourself some credit for coming here and hop right in. There's lots of supportive people that can help and look at some other people's diaries to get an idea of the things they eat-- it might help you along the way.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Hmmm... not everyone is a jlo or a beyonce that 2 weeks after having babies look as if nothing. Do not be so hard on yourself, look at where you want to be, set daily goals rather than huge ones and simply don't give up.

    You will do just fine...
  • almom23
    almom23 Posts: 4
    Oh honey, don't cry! You know the changes you have to make and you are headed in the right direction. :)

    I have a 2 month old too! I'm in a 16/18...and i hate it! i look about 5months preggo still. Let's do this together!

    My motivator to work out when I don't want to is knowing that I will feel good when I'm done. So I take it 10 min at a time...I'll say ok I do this for 10 min, next thing I know 10 min are done and I'll say ok I can do 10 more. Then those are done, and I'll say 10 more minutes won't kill me, lol, so on and so on. When my workout is done, I feel amazing and proud of myself!

    I don't have a problem with my water intake because when I was pregnant, I had low amniotic fluid so I HAD to drink 6 bottles of water a day for the health of my baby. I've kept it up because I've mentally associated it with having a healthy baby...and I am breastfeeding.

    Good luck!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Hang in there!! Don't get down on yourself!! You can do this! So glad you are here!!
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    I look to my friends and loved ones for support (especially those who are or have been there). :flowerforyou: Please feel free to add me as a friend (and a part of your support team).
  • Daymia
    Daymia Posts: 57 Member
    We all have those moments, and sometimes they can really help us! You know what you have to do, so just take baby steps!

    I never did it, but really wanted to print off and hang up some motivational images/quotes around the house. I also wanted to use a chalkboard/dry erase board to track how much my husband and I had lost and update it every weigh in. Just little things scattered throughout the house to keep me motivated.

    You can do it! Just take everything day by day!
  • headqrtrs
    headqrtrs Posts: 17 Member
    Let your tears be your motivation! I have bad knees and started by using an exercise bike, that helped build up the muscles around my knees and now I walk 30 to 40 min dailey and water jog. Put this day behind you and take it a day at the time and you will not only meet daily goals but go beyond them. Have encourageing friends to help you with this process!