I cried.



  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I have been there, trust me! I remember contemplating going from a size 24 to a size 26 and thinking "I just can't do this anymore!"
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    Please don't cry. This site is fantastic, and we can all TOGETHER, kiss goodbye to our start weights. It may take some time, but we will do it.

    Claire x
  • *big hug*

    i think it's safe to say we have all been in your shoes at one point or another. Its EXTREMELY important to take a step back and remove yourself from the bigger picture. You must realize that today, is a new day. Today, you are sculpting the body that you want. Baby steps are the only sure steps to success. Some days you'll eat like a champion, some days you'll have two packs of ring dings, some days you'll beat your exercise records, some days you won't leave the house, there will be weeks you lose 4 pounds and weeks you gain a pound. This is an everyday effort that CAN and WILL be done. you are everything but a failure, you just created a life!! which, may a remind you, is pretty freakin awesome! Create a network of friends on here who will support you day in and day out. I'm happy to be here for you!
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    Just walking with baby in a stroller you can burn 250 calories in 1 hour and it's good for both of you. Also, little kids LOVE to watch and do Zumba or similar with mommy ( or in my case, auntie!) It's time that wouldn't be away from your little ones and entertains them (not to mention tires them out!) You can do it! Eat grown up versions of what you'd feed your baby. Fruits, veggies, grains, and don't restrict yourself to never eat anything fun. My sister lost her baby weight kind of doing that. If she fed baby a jar of carrots, and/or cereal/milk she'd eat carrots also. with some chicken or beef, a whole grain toast or roll and a piece of cheese or some yogurt dip with the carrots if she ate them raw. She said it was easier to plan her meals that way.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    Do get down on yourself...I was in the same boat (except for the pregnancies) and just said enough was enough. You can do it, you've found the right site here. There's lots of support when you're feeling like giving up. Keep your chin up :)
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. When I had my first daughter I was 180lbs from 158lbs then had my 2nd daughter and went up to 230lbs then eneded up at 215lbs.

    Needless to say at the time I was ok with it cuz I could still fit into most of my clothes till one day I asked my 1st daughter now 10." Do u think mom's fat? " Bless her lil heart she said" Mom I don't want to hurt your feelings" I broke down and cried my eyes out for hours. That was my wake up call. Now I am down to 198lbs and still going. That's'my motivation. I just use the negative and turn it into a positive and my daughter is my biggest cheerleader. The other day my 3 year old said mom " Your leg is hard I can't sit on your lap" That made my day.

    I won't quit and neither will you. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    It's a really good idea to drink a big glass of water right away when you wake up, before doing/eating anything else. Chugging down a first-thing glass of water is good for you, feels good, and gets 16oz or so of water out of the way immediately. I like to put a few drops of lemon juice into mine.

    Maybe just make sure you drink a cup of water every time you eat?

    This may sound bizarre but I also like to drink a big glass of warm/hot water before bed. Sure, you're probably going to be visiting the rest room in the middle of the night, but the hot water is soothing and helps me wind down at the end of a long day. Plus that's another several ounces accounted for.

    I've found that if you're not used to drinking much water, it doesn't really seem appetizing at all and it's hard to get all you need. However, once you get in the habit of drinking it, your body will want it and it will be much easier to get it done.
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Your baby is still so tiny. If you're breastfeeding remember that burns calories, too! If you can get yourself out for a walk with baby that would be great exercise, and as your baby grows bigger, you'll get more resistance. Try to find a buddy to get out with. Lots of places have walking clubs for new moms or even stroller-aerobics. If you're mood continues to be really low, talk to your doctor about post-partum depression. It is very common, and very real, and totally treatable - believe me, I've been there! If it is depression, exercise especially outside, can be hugely helpful. Best of luck, and feel free to friend me if you want.
  • I've been there...over and over...but every day is a new day!! Hang in there and just keep at it!!! ♥HUGS
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    I have SO been there! I've got 100 pounds to lose and it seems to be going SO SLOW! But, I'm determined to make lifestyle changes, and I know the weight will come off. Truth? It's okay to cry - because you're acknowledging how you feel about who/what you are. It's when you don't own your emotions that you ignore them and keep repeating bad habits! "They" say that admitting you have a problem is the first step, and I'm on board with that. And now you're reaching out to others who can really understand what you're going through, so you are ON YOUR WAY!!! We're here for you!

    I keep water with me wherever I go...in my car, at my desk, by my bed. I just drink it when I'm ready to reach for something that I know is not terribly good for me. I'm also going to do the before picture and post it up at home...cause I certainly don't want to look at my jigglyness, lol! ODAAT (on day at a time), and you will succeed. :flowerforyou:
  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    Hey, I totally understand how u felt. It's how I feel, I wear long jeans all year round because I don't like my huge legs. I wear a jacket even now as hot as it may be so my belly doesn't show too much. Today I cried so hard because all my hard work in exercising daily, something I have never done before, and I didn't lose a pound. But with mfp friends they help me up and I won't give up. As for the water in take what I do is every two hours I take down a bottle of water straight. That way its in n out of the way, that's two cups. After a while u get used to it and ur body craves it. I hope that helps and I wish u the best. Good luck!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I totally feel you! I went through this in SEptember. You are taking a step in the right direction
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    What you have experienced is normal. Most would call it 'the breaking point'. You have realized that you don't want to be the size you are anymore. So that's a good thing. You are on your way. What I do to keep myself motivated is remembering that day when 'I cried' realizing that I don't want to go back to the day anymore. Also I'm having a lot of fun getting to 'the new and real me'. Hope this helps. Feel free to add me for more support. Hav e A Blessed Day!
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having a good cry. Just gotta make sure that's all it is. Pick yourself up and push forward to keep losing weight. If you let it turn in to a pity party (I've done this too many times to count!) you could start eating poorly and self sabotage. So, cry out the frustration, then dry your face, set your shoulders and soldier on! You got this!
  • StartingAtSixty
    StartingAtSixty Posts: 85 Member
    First off.. Congratulations on being a new momma.. :flowerforyou:
    Second.. you WILL lose this weight..
    Third... You already made the first step toward the goal..
    Second baby is usually takes longer to get the weight off, but you can do it.. Don't be so hard on yourself.. Just keep focused on your goal..
    I was fortunate when I had my babies, I lost my baby weight quickly.. I didn't get my weight gain until a fews years past my hysterectomy.. I have a long way to go and I am old, so be encouraged..♥

    As far as water, I have always enjoyed drinking it.. I do know most people don't.. But if you read this I think it might help you.. Once you reach a break through point your body will crave water..


    Good luck on your journey and most of all enjoy your babies.. They grow up way too fast. God Bless...((((hugz)))) Debbie
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    The biggest motivator for me is seeing my mother and my father. They are overweight and unhealthy and they no that. My mom developed a rare lung disease because she stopped working out when she had kids and then started to smoke. For me, my biggest motivation is seeing people around me either grossly overweight or in really great shape. I want to be fit and healthy when I have kids and for my husband(even though he married me when I was 25 pounds heavier than now). I've always had weight issues and one day I woke up and said No. This. Stops. NOW. You have to find that thing that'll get you to keep going to keep pushing yourself. Now that my husband is in Boot Camp I am pushing harder than ever so when I get to see him he'll see a change in me and he'll want to help me even more because I am showing him I am making progress. He eats bad and when he sees me a little smaller, I want him to know that I mean business with no more bad foods.

    If you need motivation i find friends and i work out with different people all the time because it makes it fun, and you are always competing with the other person if you like that sort of thing(I'm very competitive). Another thing that helps me is that exercising isn't just a thing that you can do and once your fit you can stop. I think of it as an obligation to myself to be healthy. And once you do that you'll start to enjoy it. You can't think of it as a chore to do. You have to do it for yourself because no one else will.

    I hope that helps. And your already stepping up by being here on this site. The people are amazing, and will help to get you going like no one else will. Make a few friends on here and they'll help you.
  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
    Ive been there. I just started all over again three weeks ago, with a starting weight of 250. Ive lost 10lbs so far in just three weeks. Ive found that eating six small meals a day, every three hours and lots of water is really taking it off right now. Im also doing low carb. Feel free to look at my food journal since its open. Throw away all other drinks in your fridge so you have no choice but to drink water. Start out slow. Start walking for about ten to fifteen minutes, then work your way up. You can do it. You just have to be in the right mindset and just do it!
  • Betsnikel
    Betsnikel Posts: 33 Member
    I understand your pain. I had a hysterectomy in January and put on 30 pounds since. I am the biggest I have ever been! But I have decided that I am not going to be like this forever. Just by signing up you have made up your mind to do something about it just like the rest of us. Feel free to friend me if you feel you need support!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Remember, kids do strange things to your body. They aren't irreversible, but it does take more than just two months. So don't hate yourself!

    As other have said, use this as your turning point. You can start giving yourself a calorie deficit (just remember to account for breastfeeding if that applies) and exercising moderately. You can get yourself back into the shape you want to be :flowerforyou:

    And then come back and share your success :happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Make these two of your mantras ......

    - I love myself & deserve the best this world has to offer.

    - I love & approve of myself just the way I am AND know I can be even better !

    Happy losing !