siggia Member


  • "People think; oh, it must be water and not coffee because it is a slight diuretic with caffeine in it, but you lose far less than you get from the actual liquid in the coffee." A bit of information from QI (Quite Interesting). Watch the bit on YouTube: Also, regarding caffeine,…
  • I would write this on ignorance on their behalf. Some people need to work out harder and plan their meals while others just seem to have fast metabolism and don't have to worry about it that much. A workout of an hour a day of some sort is considered ideal for an average person, NOT a disorder. You should show those people…
  • You also have to realize that fat goes away in the reverse order it came; if it set first on your thighs, it will go last from your thighs. That's why you may be seeing results in certain places on your body while not others. And like smuehlbauer says, you can't spot lose fat (like some people think they lose fat around…