SweetPeezy121 Member


  • Name: Veronica Height: 6'1 Heaviest Weight: 425 lbs Starting Weight (3/31): 315 lbs Goal Weight (4/30): 295 lbs 4/4: lbs 4/11: lbs 4/18: lbs 4/25: lbs Loss/gain for the week: 0lbs Loss/gain for the month: 0lbs Let's do it!!! :)
  • I started low-carbing 8/21/2013 and have lost 12lbs thus far. I do water aerobics 6days a week which I know helps a lot. I don't have the problem with being hungry or being dizzy. I do use the protein shakes to provide me with that extra "umph". I will say if you are doing low carb which for me was to detox my body of all…
  • I'm 6'1 !!!
  • I have tried to suggest some healthier choices (to no avail) and because my office is not near anything, the only alternative I have is to bring in something healthy and endure the snide comments lol. I know a lot of it is my own willpower which I definitely struggle with when it comes to good food. But anything worth…
  • Born & raised in Buffalo, NY currently living in Charlotte,NC and loving it!