

  • I put on a couple lbs over Christmas but just get back on track. I try to talk more and chew less. Walk around with just one plate of food so no one has a clue to how much i am eating. Lol. Rave about the food instead of actually eating it. Drink lots of flavored wat like Mio. Seems to work.
  • Sounds like your hubby is insecure person and may feel the need to put you down to feel superior. He may actually be afraid of losing you. You should be appreciated for you. Set your own personal goals, because you are a beautiful caring person. It is more about you, not others that should really work on themselves instead…
  • I usually am more guilty of self sabotage. Last night i sampled cookies and had large slice of pizza at mall! However i usually take offered treats from family and friends out of politeness, take a couple small nibbles and then dispose of rest when they don't see me, then say oh that was great. Just look for their trash…
  • I will not give up pizza and ice cream once in awhile (especially on Monday's and Tuesday's when I babysit my grandaughters who are 6 and 8. Those are the days of the week when pizza and ice cream are allowed. However, we serve sugar-free low-fat ice cream and I am allowed only 1 piece of pizza and a child's scoop of ice…