

  • What if the stupid scales show you weigh more than the previous week and then you measure inches and that's no better, but my clothes are fitting and hanging on me better, but it's very discouraging. I decided I would weigh once a month instead once a week. Also, I will continue to do my abs and arms and tell myself muscle…
  • Hi, I just introduced myself a few days ago, even though I had been using the calorie counter for awhile. Also, I had started walking and doing some abs and upper body work. All this is great, but I realize I need a support family, just as I need my church family. They are a lot of post to read and I will try t catch up,…
  • I wasn't really sure how this thing posted replies, but thanks to everyone and oh by the way (weigh) lol, I threw my scales in the linen closet - they just weren't very motivational for me. Maybe instead of once a week - I might try once a month. Even though I was kind of down yesterday and didn't exercise and ate a little…
    in Hello Comment by msloribeth August 2009
  • Thanks for your encouraging reply - you're right, my clothes are looking better on me - but it just kind of took me a back.
    in Hello Comment by msloribeth August 2009