Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    There is plenty of room in this wagon for you too!! "Just DO it!!"

    I know how hard it is to stay on track when you are camping, spending time with family, and outside your normal routine, but that is life.

    It will be good to have you back on here regularly again. After all, you are the "Founder" of our thread!!!

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks Barb. I just have to do it - like you said. No one else can do it for me.:tongue:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening everyone...:flowerforyou: Signing in a little late tonight no exercise for me today:grumble: I had a serious headache at lunch time and when I got home from work I went out with my daughter and her family.:smile: First we went to TACO BELL:noway: I got the Chicken Fiesta Salad (NO BEANS) luckily I had over 500 calories left for dinner so I really didn't go over by much.:smile: Then we went and got our nails done, then to the dollar store and then to Big Lots, then to Royal Farms so my son in-law could get smokes.:angry: YUK and by the time we got home I was too tired to exercise.
    Think I'll just say hello and welcome back to those who have been MIA. Grammymax I missed your smiling face:love: We can do it, to those of us who have slipped off one side of the wagon:flowerforyou: ...and congratulations to those who have that will power and are winning the battle step by step:smile: Barbie talk about huge people..I am going to post a pictue of me I came across today. I think I am going to tape it to my fridge...:laugh: Love Hugs and :smooched: to everyone and good night and remember to drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hey, Lianne, I am so happy thinking about you walking your dogs and going to the gym. You have been amazing sticking to the restrictions. I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who followed their doctor’s directions as faithfully as you. Your legs are going to thank you for the rest of your life. It is so amazing that you continued to lose weight even when you were so limited in your activities. You are an inspiration.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I’m sorry to hear about your pain. :sad: I wish you the best at following your doctor’s directions so you can be back walking again really soon.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, don’t let a little setback get you down. You’ve been really focused so I know you went this little bump in the road derail you. Never, never, never give up.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, it’s good to hear from you again. Your grandkids are lucky to have you provide such great experiences for them. It’s tough to stick to a routine with travel and grandkids. Maintaining is always better than gaining.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on losing another 3 pounds. Whatever you’re doing must be working so stick to it.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you always do the best job of explaining how to navigate the site. Congratulations on losing another pound. You probably know by now that when you update your ticker, it takes awhile for it to reappear. I guess it’s a lesson in patience for us to have to wait to see the new number.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Esther, jump back on the wagon. It’s lonely on this thread without you.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you sure had a challenging day. Good job, finding something moderately healthy to eat so you could stay within your calories. Remember, you don’t ever have to be a huge person again if you don’t want to.

    Thank you all for being in my life.
    Hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    Barbie I love your new photo and you sure look so wonderfully healthy:flowerforyou:

    I have been extremely busy trying to get things done before we head out on our big camping adventure. Lots to do in preparation but the excitement is building. Other than our few camping trips locally we have never taken the trailer out of our province let alone through the states and additional provinces. For any of you seasoned campers, any tips on crossing the border in a RV would be greatly appreciated:flowerforyou: My laptop is travelling with us so hopefully I will be able to catch up with everyone on here every couple of days:happy:

    Welcome to new members:flowerforyou: we are always happy to have more join our group:smile: For those members struggling with motivation please just try to take it one step at a time and don't be so hard on yourself:heart: Sending you warm hugs and positive thoughts:heart:

    News about my one knee MRI is torn cartilage so I am awaiting an apt with a orthopedic surgeon. The other knee MRI is scheduled for October. I will be very glad to get back on track with my health and my workouts. It would be easy to become frustrated with my physical limitations but I chose to stay positive and thankful to be able to maintain the weight I have dropped so far. Mind you when I finally get back my physical strength I am more determined than ever to drop those last pesky pounds:tongue: All in due time:bigsmile:

    Take care everyone, remember to keep drinking your water and making healthy choices. You are all so worth being the best you can be:flowerforyou:

  • msloribeth
    Hi, I just introduced myself a few days ago, even though I had been using the calorie counter for awhile. Also, I had started walking and doing some abs and upper body work. All this is great, but I realize I need a support family, just as I need my church family. They are a lot of post to read and I will try t catch up, but a will appreciate any support or motivation you can share. I don't think we were meant to go through this life doing things by ourselves, but with the love and help of others.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Thanks everyone for the kind words and messages. You are a terrific bunch:heart: I am trying to put an end to my pity party and get on with living the good life. I just reminded myself that alot of this "stuff" I am feeling is due to the way I've been nourishing (and I use that word loosely) my body. Go figure!

    On a positive note, my kids are ready for school - usually this doesn't happen until at least the day before:blushing: Could it be that I'm doing at least something right???

    I have the wagon in my sight and I'm gaining on it!!

    Today I WILL walk for 30 minutes
    eat only as planned
    be happy!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    So out of the mouths of babes - My 16 yr old son informed me yesterday that no matter how many dvd's or pieces of equipment I accumulate - "Nothing is going to work if you don't do it Mom" So true... Someone please pull me back on the wagon I miss the ride and the company.

    Have a great day, Heather

    A wise person once said it another way: The best exercise is THE ONE YOU WILL DO. Last night I read in my newest issue of MORE that not getting enough sleep will not only make you feel tireder, but cause you to feel hungrier. So you get a double whammy. No desire to exercise and hungry too.

    I've been AWOL lately so am slowly catching up on every-one's lives.

    I've been wanting to eat everything but the kitchen sink since we spent 4 days at hubby's aunts working on her house. I didn't take my apple cider vinegar along and boy do I wish I had! :grumble: I too fell off the wagon using the excuse of being too tired to care and all the extra exercise as justification for a hunk of pecan pie. BIG MISTAKE! Reawakened all those latent sweet cravings. So now here I am getting off sugar AGAIN. :blushing: At least I didn't gain any weight back while we were there.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi, I just introduced myself a few days ago, even though I had been using the calorie counter for awhile. Also, I had started walking and doing some abs and upper body work. All this is great, but I realize I need a support family, just as I need my church family. They are a lot of post to read and I will try t catch up, but a will appreciate any support or motivation you can share. I don't think we were meant to go through this life doing things by ourselves, but with the love and help of others.
    Welcome. We're glad you found us. We're here for you.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I just got back from my workout and am so glad that is behind me. I always feel better when I get done.

    Hope you're all having a great day.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Doesn't it feel great? Good for you! :wink:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome back and just take a deep breath tonight before you go to bed. Let all the sugar out and tomorrow you will wake up back on the wagon.

    Heather- What a wise 16 year old you have!

    Everyone new - Welcome.

    I hope to catch up on the posts or at least get back to checking them more often.

    Jeannie aka JAM
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I just came back from a potluck. I ate my dinner at home before I went. A few people asked why I wasn’t eating but nobody was really all that interested.

    :explode: Marie, thanks for sharing the information about your MRI. Now that the doctor knows what’s wrong, it won’t be long before there’s a solution. Crossing the border in an RV isn’t much different than crossing in a car except that if they decided to search, it will take longer. Some people say that it’s better to cross at a less traveled crossing but I don’t know if that’s true. Canada and the U.S. have different systems. When we crossed into Canada at a somewhat less traveled crossing, the Canadian authorities told us that the computer had told them to search our rig. We got out with our dogs while they searched. They didn’t make a mess and didn’t take too terribly long. When we crossed back into the U.S. at another less traveled crossing, the U.S. authorities asked us questions about fresh produce and whether we’d purchased pet food in Canada. They didn’t search us, but sent us through something that was like a giant version of the x-ray machine at the airport that looks at your carry-on luggage. Trucks did the same thing. I was worried about whether I had all the right documentation for health and rabies immunization for the pets and nobody asked for it at either crossing.

    :flowerforyou: Loribeth, welcome to the best thread on MFP. I look forward to getting to know you. These women have changed my life. They listen to me and encourage me and give me some great ideas. I try to check in almost every day to see what’s going on with the others and to let them know what’s going on with me.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, keep up the good work, we’re waiting for you on the wagon. Eat well today and your body will thank you.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, it’s good to have you back with us again. Sorry to hear about your experience with the pecan pie. You’ve escaped the lure of sugar before, you can do it again.

    Hugs to everyone, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    May I join y'all?
    I need someplace to come on a daily basis to help me be accountable. I'm back at school & trying to find my stride/routine, but it's hard this year with a new assignment. To make matters worse, my Curves closed up this summer.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    May I join y'all?
    I need someplace to come on a daily basis to help me be accountable. I'm back at school & trying to find my stride/routine, but it's hard this year with a new assignment. To make matters worse, my Curves closed up this summer.

    Of course you are most welcome to join the group. You will find us a supportive and gregarious bunch, who are not afraid to laugh at ourselves, (and each other) while holding each other accountable for our choices.

    There are no right or wrong answers here, but together we learn that some choices are "better" than others.

    You mention that the Curves near you closed. There are many alternatives. If you want to try out exercise videos, they are available thru Netflix, and it is a very reasonable monthly fee to join that service. At least one of our members has been trying out videos and purchasing those she likes.

    If you happen to be a Comcast cable customer with a digital box, the fitness and exercise videos available the "On Demand" service.

    Of course, you can always just go buy a tape that interests you.

    At least one of our members is into line dancing, even teaches some of the dances. Others use "Zumba" a form of latin dance.

    BTW, I must compliment you on your avatar. It is one of the most unique I have seen on the site, and makes perfect sense, considering the info in your profile.

    We look forward to gettng to know you.

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    May I join y'all?
    I need someplace to come on a daily basis to help me be accountable. I'm back at school & trying to find my stride/routine, but it's hard this year with a new assignment. To make matters worse, my Curves closed up this summer.

    Hey Georg: Welcome. You were on the Curves thread with me. Bummer that your club closed but this group of ladies are VERY encouraging and will help you through this journey we're all on together!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    The weather must be good all over the U.S. and Canada so nobody's sitting at the computer early in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Georg, welcome to the group. The Curves in my town closed and some of the other local fitness places offered some good deals to Curves members but without the "women only" feature that Curves was famous for. I haven't worked out at a gym for years. Today I take line dance classes, walk, ride the exercise bike in my living room and use yoga and "Sweatin' to the Oldies" videos as my exercise program. This group of women have added so much to my life. I hope you will find the same support and friendship here.

    I weighed in again today and feel safe recording that one more pound has been shed.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: The new pants I bought for my trip in June are almost too baggy to wear. My closet is getting emptier.:laugh: :laugh:

    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Welcome Georg! I am new to this site and thread! Scuba dive WOW! I'm 61 and I have never even learned to swim:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    After reading your profile and Barb mentioning the different types of exercises...you both got me thinking about having a "Fun" goal, not just the energy and healthy goals, which are all noble and important! I always wanted to learn....are you ready for this.....Country Line Dancing:happy:
    My daughter does it and being someone who comes from a family of singers and musicians, it's in my blood to LOVE to dance. I just get pooped at this weight:angry:
    I think I'll add that to my list of goals:laugh: Thanks:wink:

    Barbie congrats on that 1 lb.! You must be so excited, having lost so much weight, and by looking at your picture, one would never know you were over weight! What a great example to us all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Didn't get much sleep last night:yawn: A skunk sprayed right under our bedroom window :mad: and we had the fan on:sick: I got up for a few hours until it cleared out and then couldn't get back to sleep. Got a couple of hours then got up, did some house work, exercised, went to the doctor's, then the market and then here at work for 9am. A little out of it but eating right and feeling positive!
    Well, got to get back to work:indifferent:
    Have a great day everyone:smooched:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I always wanted to learn....are you ready for this.....Country Line Dancing:happy:
    My daughter does it and being someone who comes from a family of singers and musicians, it's in my blood to LOVE to dance. I just get pooped at this weight:angry:
    I think I'll add that to my list of goals:laugh: Thanks:wink:

    Didn't get much sleep last night:yawn: A skunk sprayed right under our bedroom window :mad: and we had the fan on:sick:
    Wish you and Barbie were closer. I would like to learn also but don't want to go by myself. 'Course, I might meet some new friends:wink:

    Hubby is beginning his 11 day stint at the State Fair today trying to sell a book he wrote. Now I am trying to plan my days so that I don't waste my time alone but have time to do "me" stuff as well as getting caught up on chores.

    Have a great day everyone. I think you're right Barbie, everyone must be enjoying the outdoors before fall hits us hard.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I always wanted to learn....are you ready for this.....Country Line Dancing:happy:
    My daughter does it and being someone who comes from a family of singers and musicians, it's in my blood to LOVE to dance. I just get pooped at this weight:angry:
    I think I'll add that to my list of goals:laugh: Thanks:wink:

    Didn't get much sleep last night:yawn: A skunk sprayed right under our bedroom window :mad: and we had the fan on:sick:
    Wish you and Barbie were closer. I would like to learn also but don't want to go by myself. 'Course, I might meet some new friends:wink:

    Hubby is beginning his 11 day stint at the State Fair today trying to sell a book he wrote. Now I am trying to plan my days so that I don't waste my time alone but have time to do "me" stuff as well as getting caught up on chores.

    Have a great day everyone. I think you're right Barbie, everyone must be enjoying the outdoors before fall hits us hard.


    :flowerforyou: Hi Esther,

    I might be going down to Salem for the Fair on this coming Sunday. Send me a PM and tell me if your hubby, and hopefully YOU are going to be down there, and give me an idea of where he will be doing his book promoting and I will look you up if I end up going down there. If I go it will be with some other people, and I think we will be there from 10a to 4 p.

    :flowerforyou: And Birdie-- A SKUNK!:noway: :noway: YIKES!! I do not envy you at all. I hope you can soon get to the point where your bedroom no longer has a certain "air" about it!! :bigsmile:
