Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, Calif1971dreamin,

    You have come to the right place. We will listen to all you have to say and possibly offer some suggestions that may or not be useful:laugh: :laugh:

    When I was going through a nightmare in my life, my best friend told me to "stay in the present". It helped me to stay focused on the fact that I had a job, a roof over my head, at least one set of clothes to wear, and that I could do what was in front of me for that one instant.

    We are here to support you. Please check in with us often. And drink a lot of water.:drinker: :drinker: it really helps :smile:
  • Calif1971dreamin
    Calif1971dreamin Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for your words of support. Yes, he unfortunately can cancel my health insurance since we are legally separated. We don't live together and maintain two separate residences. I wanted to get a court order to go in and inventory my things with my first attorney, but she never did anything. Because of her non-actions I switched attorneys, my second attorney thought we should do it amicably. Which was why be had all the dates for both attorneys to be there. The "jerk", my soon-to-be ex, even set up dates so I could get some of my furniture, which is why I I rented a truck 2 times. But all were canceled by him, usually without a reason and on short notice. The jerk is a con man. His public side is a sweet, friendly man who never gets angry, everyone loves him. His alter side which only his family sees is angry, controlling, abusive man who takes out all his anger and frustrations on those that love him. I just hope the judge sees beyond his persona and sees him for the jerk he is. Thursday, the 27th, is D day. Finally a court date. Hopefully all this and any contact with him will be behind me and I can finally move on.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Wow, are you sure that you aren't married to my ex? They sound so much alike. My ex has friends giving him money right and left even though he has taken them to the cleaners many times in the past. He is now living on SSI. Does work and has everything handed to him.
    I hope that all works out good on the 27th.

    Well, everyone...I had lunch at Red Lobster. That put my over my calories. It was so good, though.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome Calif1971dreamin:wink: You know my theory is what goes around comes around:devil: He will get his in the end cause God don't like ugly and he sounds mighty ugly (personality wise) to me. Example
    When my husband and I got married 35 years ago,( we were 18) we moved into a house that had been turned into a kinda duplex. The owner lived in one side and we lived in the other. When we moved in, the house was a mess. Loaded with fleas and in serious need of cleaning and paint. After we fixed our side up, (got rid of the fleas, scrubbed the whole place from top to bottom, leveled the kitchen floor and painted the whole place) She told us we had to move because we didn't clean our cat litter box :grumble: (we had gone away for the weekend and she let herslf in and saw the box.) She said the smell was making her sick:angry: Hell if the smell that was coming from that place when we rented it didn't make her sick nothing would. :noway: The day we moved out, she moved into our side of the house. And Well like I said I believe in what comes around goes around, that night while she was carrying her stuff over to our side, she fell down the steps and broke both her legs. :noway: The next day a neighbor called us at my in-laws to tell us all the juicy details. Try getting a punching bag and put a picture of him on it and burn away the stress and pounds at the same time.....:laugh: Love :heart: Hugs :smile: and smooches:smooched: from your MFP family we will always be here when you want to vent. :flowerforyou: and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water....Rosemary
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All;

    Calif1971dreamin, as hard as it is try to concentrate on doing what you know to be right. Yours is the heart you are responsible for. Being strong for yourself will bother him more than anything else you can do. Please don't measure your sucess by his petty standards.

    Spent the day at the funeral of my husbands cousin who went home at the age of 56. The poor man was physically challenged every day of his life. He also faced unending challenges from a world that could not accept "different." His grace was to always move forward, in the attempt to accomplish something, to go to work, to help someone else, to cheer someone up.

    It is amazing how this one, simple mans life touched so many.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I'm kinda new to this 50+. I acutally new to everything as I've been awall for the last 3 or 4 months. Got stuck and put back on 10 or so pds. But my health news wasn't good and I gotta get it off. I came back to this site and it is pretty nice how supportive everyone is.

    They say you get what you pay for. Well, this is free and this site is wonderful. Better than the JM site I paid for.

    Well, I did pretty good today and this next week on Tuesday the kids are going back to school. ).Hip hip horray!:wink:
    ( I am helping my soninlaw raise my 11 and 6 year old grandsons)
    Anyways I'm not waiting till then. I have a huge party tomorrow and I need prayers that I will not touch the desserts. I have diabetes and really need to abstain. Will you all stand by on alert ? and I will post as to how it went. Thanks so much for being here. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hi KC,
    One of the best decisions I made for myself was to "Say No to Birthday Cake" It has worked for me for seven months. I have a friend who has lost weight and kept it off for five years and when someone mentions cake or ice cream she says, "That's not my food".

    I am thinking good thoughts for you at your huge party. Keep a glass of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: with you at all times and that will help. :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: kc, I was going to put a cake here with a "do not touch" sign. But, I couldn't get the picture here. I am still learning computers. Anyway...stay away from the cake. Fill up on veggies and fruits, you know...healthy foods.

    :flowerforyou: Alice, I love your Yorkie. Is it a boy or girl? My Yorkie didn't grow in the silver hairs that are so pretty. He is all black and tan.

    :flowerforyou: Good morning Barbie.
  • HeatherMMB
    Helloand Happy Saturday - this weekend is one for housework:grumble:

    California dreamin: staying in the present is such great advice. when my husband and I divorced we had to live in the same house for a year - a little trip to hell and back. Staying in the present keeps you sane. The other thing that is good is a gratitude journal - especially when you have days like you did - from one disaster to another! It' s hard not to think your name isn't on a list somewhere saying: give this woman grief' - but it isn't and if you look around there are things to be grateful for: friends, a nice day, a roof over your head [I was once in a place in my life where I had to decide "eat or pay rent?" - I was thinner then:laugh:
    I also think the best revenge is a successful life! Keep to the things you know are your values - kindness, respect, caring- just don't let him take or change the essential you - he is who he is and this will end at some point and you want to look back and think 'I was as good a person as I could be"
    LIfe will get better even though there are days when it does not feel that way. If you have a faith prayer is always good - even if you don't have a faith I think He listens.
    I am glad you are here - this is such a great place! Sometimes I just read the postings and think 'these are such nice people'. On days when I don't have much to say and am feeling harried and hurried I stop by just to see how everyone is doing. It always gives me a lift.
    I sure hear you on the menopause - I am still getting 'tropical moments' that make me want to take off my skin and sit in my bones!! Getting the weight off will help!! I have a ways to go but am excited about the journey and getting there!:happy:
    Stay connected, drink lots of water, keep your goals in mind - one step at a time and you will get there and we will always be here to offer support, sometimes a good laugh cuz that is always a good thing, and this is just a nice place to sit back for a bit and be encouraged!!
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi KC - welcome! :flowerforyou:
    I too have to say no to cake - not for diabetes but to prevent a massive charbohydrate overload - once i have cake I just can't stop.
    So, NO to:devil: cake and YES :bigsmile: to health!! Good luck!! let us know how it goes!!

    Just keep a glass of water in your hand at all times :drinker:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    California Dream

    -Stay in the present and focus on the future. I had to leave everything behind once in a breakup and once I didn't. Financially of course not leaving everything behind was better. But, emotionally leaving everything behind is the best thing in the world. No bad memories are attached to any of the new stuff you get.

    I am not one for revenge, but there is a book called the 'Girls of Riyahd' which is written by a modern Saudi women about the modern day life of a group of girls growing up in Saudi Arabia. There is a classic scene of revenge where a girl shows up at the wedding of the boy who jilted her because his family told him not to marry her because of her poor family. The new bride is overweight and plain while the ex-fiancee is beautiful. That's all I will tell you. It is a very good book and worth reading to any of our readers out there.

    To all with the 'say no to cake' comments
    - I admire you. I've put on 1 pound this month instead of loosing 4, but I'm OK with that. August has been a rough month time and stress wise. This was the potluck week from H _ _ _ at work. Sorry, but there was no other way to say that. I have never seen so many people quit, get laid off or have babies in the same week. Then there where the public kickoff meetings with food and the press to celebrate some very big happenings at the Medical Center where I work. We had 1-2 potlucks everyday! Some were for breakfast and some were for lunch.

    Since I work for IT in user support I got invited to each and every single one of them. I did good food wise, just tasted stuff I really, really wanted and I was able to skip ALL the bakery made cakes and everything store bought. I just kept telling myself that if I was going to eat something I shouldn't, it had to be homemade. I only had one piece of cake the whole week and it was a homemade strawberry cream pound cake.

    My goal for the last week of August is to get back on track for September.

    Happy Saturday all,

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Well, I am going to take my own food. And no to cake and yes to health.

    Thanks for the words. I really need them. I didn't think I'd have time to write this morning before I left but here I am. And your messages are just what I need. I will come home tonight and hopefully have time to post. I will post that I enjoyed life, family, and that it can be done without the sugar.

    My 'other' wide of the family, the boys, are Hispanic and i love them. But they are all about the food and children. They don't understand that I don't eat all the posole, tortillas, and sugar sodas.

    But they seem to let me alone without judgement. I just need to show the results of my opinion that I need to eat healthy. Well, gotta go stuff the pinata. be blessed you all, kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    And oh, by the way. I was down two pds this morning on the scale. Probably just water but heh, I'll take anything. Sooner or later it's got to get me where I wanna be.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday was our friends' wedding. I finally got to wear the new dress that I bought. I posted a picture of the dress. The wedding was simple----bride, groom, judge, two witnesses, me, and the cat. After the ceremony we went out to dinner. I think I have finally learned how to read the whole menu, ask all the right questions, and order the right stuff. :smile: There was a bottle of Martinelli's sparkling cider to drink to toast the happy couple. I asked to see the bottle and read aloud all the stuff about the award winning apples and read to myself the calorie count before deciding how much I would drink.:laugh: i ordered grilled salmon without the lemon butter and tartar sauce, steamed veggies without the butter, and salad with dressing on the side. Jake ordered the same thing. It was delicious, the company was great, and there were no aftershocks on the scale. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    We work at the fair again today. Jake will work noon to ten. I'll go for about four hours in the afternoon because we can't leave the dogs for more than about five hours.

    :flowerforyou: kc---since I've been taking my own food to events, I've noticed other people doing the same thing. I have two friends who have lost a lot of weight and kept it off for years and both of them bring their own food wherever they go. I think that once you get over the imagined embarrassment, it gets easier and you stop worrying about what people think (or even noticing:laugh: )

    The dogs want to go to the dog park so it's time for me to get moving.
    hugs to all:heart:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good evening to all welcome all new friends the good news is i am still going to the right. slowly ... the bad news is i have no comp and donot know when we will be getting another one. we were changing speakers and i plug them in the wrong place and the box went crack and shut down. i have been doing m y notebook writing and its doing ok i sure miss this site. i was happy when one of the children came for a visit tonight and brought there laptop so we could all go on for a few.. i went to the ocean this week and did lots of water walking. boy do the legs feel it. but it was so nice. does anyone do water exercises.. oh will its time so say good night everyone have a safe week and one step a time love debbie and family
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Barbie you look so great. The dress is so becoming on you. You are such an inspiration. I am nearly at your starting weight and hope to get to your now weight sooner or later. No caring what people think is key to doing this. I order what I like, eat what I like and don't eat when I choose and dont care if people say anything or not. I usually just do my own thing and dont bring attention to it and it seems to work. Debbie it was so good to hear from you. Have been missing you. Take care all and keep doing good.
    Vicki M.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    My 'other' wide of the family, the boys, are Hispanic and i love them. But they are all about the food and children. They don't understand that I don't eat all the posole, tortillas, and sugar sodas.
    ... kc

    Hi kc--this is what is known as a "freudian slip"--the 'other' "WIDE" of the family, instead of "side", but it sounds like you were right the first time :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: --tortillas, sodas and kids oh my!!

    BTW, welcome to the thread. I just caught up on my reading after being AWOL for a couple of days. They have opened up overtime again where I work, for part of this month, so I have been busier than usual.

    I am in a holding pattern, but for me, maintaining is almost as big an accomplishment as losing--or so I tell myself:bigsmile:

    I have to get back on track, though, as I know I will not come close to my Labor Day goal, and with only 19 weeks until the end of the year, I am going to have to hustle to be close to my end of the year goal of being down 70 lbs in total.

    I did get some walking in this week,, about 15 miles. I need to get back to 25 - 30 miles in order to get back to losing 2 lbs a week. This is going to get harder as the days get shorter, because I won't have the option of walking after I get off work in the evening. I guess I will have to dust off my Gazelle.

    Barbiecat--great pic!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning ladies-

    I am alive and well, but definitely not slimmer. :ohwell: The summer gets so hectic that mfp goes by the wayside (and it shows :laugh: ). I know you all work, watch grandkids, garden, etc, but I can't seem to juggle that and counting calories let alone writing here.

    The summer is flying by. My parents are around during the summer months and we've also spent time visiting my father-in-law several times a week as he recovers from surgery. (Thank goodness for EZ pass).

    In addition, we have a pool so we have family pool parties. In fact, my middle son came home this week-end so he could throw a party here yesterday. Fortunately, the weather cooperated.

    We've also been babysitting some nieces and nephews and will continue to do so here and there til school starts so no time for computer, etc. It's been a good summer tho and I am so grateful that we continue to be able to spend so much time w/loved ones.

    I will try to catch up here now and then, but, realtisically, it will continue to be a zoo here until my youngest leaves in mid-Sept for a semester abroad. Actually, I hope to go too in Oct. Have to see what I can work out as far as a free ticket.

    Take care everyone. Hope you are well. Barbie, you look great in your dress!!! :flowerforyou:
    Keep up the great work ladies. I will look for you when I can and I hope to get myself under better control.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening Ladies:flowerforyou: Just to start off I must say Barbie you look wonderful. I love the dress and can't wait until the day I can look that good in a dress.:happy: Today I made a pot of home made navy bean soup and boy is it good, low in calories, full of fiber and very filling.:smokin: Tomorrow is weigh in I am hoping that even though my food choices were not very good this week, that all my exercise will at least lose me a pound:wink: Went to the grocery store today and picked up all the things I know I should be eating.:wink: Just so happens that just about all of it was on sale:happy: I got boneless, skinless, chicken tenders, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, peaches, bananas, low fat milk, Fiber One Cereal. All the stuff to make the navy bean soup, ( I used low fat ham cubes instead of ham hocks). Came home put away the groceries, started my soup and left it to simmer (with my husband) and went for a 4 mile bike ride. I've already drank my 8 glasses of water for the day. I think my glass wil definitly be overflowing today.:wink: Tonight I am going to do the Leslie Sansone 2 mile. I have been doing the 4mile 10 day challenge but I think I needed a break. It has exhausted me, I did something this morning I never do, (unless I am sick) I slept until 10:30:noway:
    I didn't go to bed until after 12. But I never sleep more that 6 hours.:frown: Hope everyone has a wonderful (what's left of it) Sunday and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water, Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    It was a great Sunday here. The weather today was so cool for South Louisiana. Not sure of the temp but think it started out in 70's and barely got into 80's. For here in August that is cool. Hubby and I went to breakfast, grocery store, and then mowed lawn. It was so beautiful out. I was done mowing and picking up and a watering can full of garden tools fell right onto my head. I was stunned cause I did not expect it. It really hurt. I am not a wus but it really hurt. I picked it up and then walked up to front of house where hubby was with tears and he told me to go in and put ice, which I did. I left ice on for about an hour. I have a big hickey and my head still hurts. I usually brush things like this off but I am a little paranoid about head injuries with the celebrities that have died recently from head injuries. I am fine but will go to sleep late tonight. I do not feel comfortable going to sleep yet. Other than head injury it was a really great day. Hope you all had good weekend. Lets all start good tomorrow.
    Vicki M