

  • Sex: f Age: 25 Weight:176 Height: 5'5" How many calories you NET per day: 1200 give or take a little How many times per week you exercise w/ minutes: 20 minutes 4 days a week 30 minutes 3 days a week
  • I lost a lot of weight right before my husband got home from deployment. A bunch of health issues have happened and I have gained 30 pounds back and I want that look I got the day he walked off the ship and saw me for the first time after losing all of the weight
  • I make sure I save some calories during the day for night time. I try to stick to fruits and veggies like if I want candy I will make a bowl of strawberries with some lite whip cream or if I want like chips I cut up some cucumbers and lightly salt it and it mostly helps
  • Just Dance for wii. THe first time I really did it regularly I lost weight I stopped doing it for some reason but Im starting back doing it. We have the second and third one and I think the second one it better jmo though
  • Is it to late to join? If not my sw is 178 gw- 160 is this the begining of aug or the end of aug to do it by?
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