

  • York peppermint patties (I get the mini ones)! Or sometimes the Pepperidge Farms Chessmen cookies. They are wonderful when I need a little sweetness!
  • I'm public!
  • I Haven't necessarily kicked any bad habits, but I look at it as starting new habits. I decided to start a new habit every three weeks. I began with food tracking and then moved on to exercising M/T & Th/Fr/Sat. My new habit is not going back to sleep after the alarm goes off. I'm still working on it, but on the days that…
  • Hello all! 50 year old woman with 4 kids and terrible health. I've only recently started my health quest after a lifetime of poor eating and exercise choices. It would be great to discuss with people in the same situation. I've lost 12 pounds so far and I'm doing great but I'm terrified that I'll get "bored" and fall back…