Looking for 50 year women for support!

Hi, first let me say..... I'm starving! I have been dieting on and off the last few months but never seem to lose more than 3 pounds! Maybe it's hormones?! I am recording everything now and let's hope it works this time! Any other women my age having trouble losing weight? I'm trying the 40/30/30 carb/fat/protein ratio. Thanks! Karen


  • lmhunt13
    lmhunt13 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm right there with you. Have tried so many and can lose 10 lbs but can also put it bakc on so easy. I'm trying to look at it as a healthier lifestyle change and trying to fix healthier meals with lower carbs but that is what I crave at times. I'm on day 14 of a 24 day challenge and I've only lost 1 lb but I'm comitted to follow it through.
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    I too am struggling with the weight loss this round. I bike approx 50 miles a week, walk 2 LARGE german shepherds 5 days a week for a half hour, am doing the squat challenge with my hubby and in 6 weeks I have lost 4 lbs. My doctor has suggested it is because I am pre-menopause so we are trying some new things. I have now added jogging 3 days a week and I have reduced my carb intake to 50 a day or less. My calories are 1000 - 1200... I am trying to stay positive and avoid cupcakes!
  • Wow, ok this is the group for me. Turned 50 this year. Had lost 20 lbs then gained it back (took 2 yrs to lose and a year to gain back) and need to lose. Menopause definitely an issue.

    Karenbenvenut you sound like you are doing the right things, I am sure it will click and happen for you.

    Imhunt13 what challenge are you doing? Do you feel well and healthier now that you are into it? I would assume it would click in and just drop if you are following it well. Carb eating definitely makes me eat more carbs and sweets.

    babyrover you are a jock right? Yes carbs 50 or lower is great if you can do it. Walking and jogging and squats are all great fat burners and also boost your metabolism.

    I feel like you three are in a different category than I am. I eat well, very healthy, but on top of my very healthy eating I seem to get sucked into binge eating of carbs or sweets or candy or other unhealthy foods on a daily basis. So I eat my 1500 nutritional calories but then seem to always add on 1000 more of something. Today is a new day for me, and I am committed to journaling once again.

    I am also using the jawbone up and have enjoyed tying that into mfp. If any of you are looking to link up mfp journals for ideas, I am wiling to. That would probably help me and make me more accountable. It is a hard hard journey for me. Good luck to you three though, you can be my inspiration for good habits!
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Feel free to add me - currently on a 6 week exercise curfew due to operation (roll on 1st July) - once im exercising again im sure I will make more progress :flowerforyou:
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I am 56. I have lost 26 pounds with 15 more to go. Send me a friend request if you like. Good luck to you.
  • Hi Karen, I just turned 50 this year...I was in the same boat as you...it has been a slow process but its finally working for me...good luck to you...add me I log in everyday and would love to have more supportive friends here..
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    I know what you mean. The weight use to fall off and now I work hard for each and every pound/inch. I have had great success on this site, but unfortunately stopped using it only to gain back some of my weight. I have recently returned with a vengeance. Feel free to send me a friend request. We are in this together!
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member
    I'll be 50 this year and this is the hardest thing for me.I notice you said you were starving....Notice my name???I'm right there with you.:drinker :ohwell:
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    Hi. I am 54 and I am currently about 15 pounds from my initial goal weight. I have been losing about 1 ib a week over the past two months (which is the rate I want to lose). The one thing that helps me the most is that I lift weights. Maybe not as heavy as some on here yet, but I deadlift 120 right now. I would encourage anyone to take up weight training. We lose muscle mass as we age, and it is important to retain as much LBM as we can.

    Anyone can add me as a friend. I log every day. Good luck!
  • teacuplady
    teacuplady Posts: 30 Member

    I am 52 and boy can I relate to some of what has been posted here. I lost 29 lbs in time for my 50th birthday and managed to keep it off for 3 mo then partly as a result of being put on steroids for awhile for an autoimmune disease I managed to put it all back on regardless of how much I was eating which was so frustrating. I would see the scale move up a pound a day some days. Anyway, FF to recently and I am here trying to get re-motivated again and kickstart another weight loss. I lost 2 lbs the first week but basically oz this last week even though except for the first day I've been under calorie-wise. I've noticed significant changes lately that I am attributing to peri-menopause so it sounds like this is the group for me. Maybe I won't feel like a failure if I see other ladies with the same issues and how they are working the weight off.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Thank you!
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    I turned the big 50 this year and I am motivated, dedicated and my willpower is activated!!!! :laugh: Power of Positive thinking!!! :bigsmile:
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Morning all...58 here...lost 23 lbs and then hit a major plateau. Finally just lost the last few lbs. lost it slow but it has stayed off!

    Emphasis on doing it right this time w strength training and eating healthy! Eating between 1500-1600 and eating back a portion of exercise cals This needs to be a long term project and lifestyle not a diet. Not a fan of 1200 cals. Followed Ipoarm

    Goal is to continue getting stringer and maintain weight loss and LBM

    Anyone feel free to add

  • diddles19
    diddles19 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi I'll be 54 next month and can totally relate to the proplems mentioned here. I also had my gall bladder removed 10 years ago and although the doctors say that has nothing to do with weight my search on google says different.

    I am totally committed to losing the weight although the 8 lbs I've lost so far has taken a long time. I'm not going to let this beat me.

    I log in everyday, I've sent you a friends request.

    Anyone please feel free to add me
  • Cruxthemystic
    Cruxthemystic Posts: 149 Member
    Hey, I'm 56 and have been working hard to loose. I run and do kettlebells, managed to drop 25lbs and then nothing. Add me too.
  • ginnybea
    ginnybea Posts: 1 Member
    Good Afternoon - I am 52 and lost 38 pounds last year. Have been slowly gaining weight and now need to lose 15 pounds to get to my lowest weight from last year. I have been unemployed since February and have not been exercising as I use to and eating way to much. I need encouragement as I would like to lose the 15 pounds plus another 20 so total of 35 pounds. Today I spent 3 hours in the garden weeding, digging and messing around in the dirt. My eating is on track as of now. Let see if I can keep on track through dinner. Wish me luck!

    Have a great day!
  • jnwigwe
    jnwigwe Posts: 4
    Hello all! 50 year old woman with 4 kids and terrible health. I've only recently started my health quest after a lifetime of poor eating and exercise choices. It would be great to discuss with people in the same situation. I've lost 12 pounds so far and I'm doing great but I'm terrified that I'll get "bored" and fall back into my old, bad habits. Thanks!
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    I am just starting out and learning, learning, learning. I am a true desciple of MyFitnessPal.com. I invite friends! I would love to have a more personal experience on my home page - usually the only page I visit daily.
  • Hi, I am trying to lose weight also and seem to lose 10 pounds and then gain it right back in a few months. It would be nice to have other friends on this site to help keep motivated. I am in California and do wildlife rescue so always on the go feeding rehab birds, but I end up snacking way to much.

  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello, like many of us, I turned 50 this year. I was very motivated to get healthy for a trip to Europe . I leave in 3 days. It took me about 14 months to lose 114 pounds. I still want to lose about 30 more pounds but am happy with my progress.

    I decided that I am a sugar addict so I do very low carb-20-40, 1200 calories, low sodium-1000, lots of water, walking and weights.

    I think the key for me was just consistency . I have a cheat day maybe once a month, but for the most part this is my new life.

    I'd love a new friend if you want ,
  • Great job on your weight loss.