

  • :smile: Thanks for the is nice to be one more "newbie" in a group. Maybe we can help each other get over the first hurdle!
  • :wink: You haven't seen me typing with one hand and eating with the other! LOL But yes, as long as I am on my computer, I am not eating (as much) or out shopping and spending all our money on snacks and sodas, or bugging my hubby while he is trying to put railings up on our porch. So yes, being on my computer is a good…
  • :smile: Thank you for the welcome. I agree some people you meet on line are great! I have belonged to several groups and have "met" some wonderful women.
  • :smile: Thanks for the "you can do this!" I need to hear that! You have some good ideas and thoughts....thanks for the welcome.
  • :smile: Wow, that is great! Maybe someday I can tell someone the same thing about me! I need all the encouragement I can get...thanks!
  • :happy: Good ideas thanks! I really don't know what to say about my eating habits, because I don't really sit around and eat all day. Sometimes I doubt that I even eat two meals. I think my eating is too erratic and maybe that is messing me up. I do tend to over eat when I do sit down to a meal. Like most moms, I think I…
  • Hi, thanks for the welcome. I know you are right, it doesn't do any good to sit and whine and expect something to happen! Yes, we live in the country and we can walk on our road, but it is also too hot...I have asthma and the heat and humidity make it hard for me to walk during the day. In the evening I can walk as long as…
  • I have about 100 pounds to lose, but realistically I would just like to get down to about 135, which is about 75 pounds. I just started today and have no idea what I am doing. I have been to weight watchers online and in meetings and lost about 37 pounds at one time, but that was years ago. I am very short and very…
  • I guess I don't qualify....I used to be 5'1" but am shrinking. Am only 4'11" now. I guess my weight is pulling me down. This is my first time here. Only know one person on here, but am willing to make friends. Just need someone to give me a little help every now and then. Thanks.