Here I am, now what????

Here I am, overweight and have no energy to do anything. No friends to do anything with. Just a blob, sitting in my chair in front of my computer getting heavier and heavier.


  • Hello site, i am new here and i need help. I have let my weight spiral out of control, and i am now ready to get it back under control. Even though i am scared i under something needs to be done. I hope i can do it here!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Joining MFP is the a first step, Sandi! And the second step is to feel better about youself..."If you can think it, you can be it" :happy: Can you walk you neighborhood safely? Exercise is how you gain energy...movement moves the metabolism. You joined a great site for support...but we do have to take the action to move and eat right. Add me if you want the support...hope to receive the same, as well (smile)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Welcome to MFP, both of you.

    Now what? Well, here's my suggestions:

    - set up your goals in MFP with a MODERATE deficit. This might mean setting out with a goal of "lose 1/2 pound a week". It may not seem like much but it really does make a difference.
    - start out by writing down what you eat today. Don't feel you have to starve yourself, just eat what seems like a normal day's worth of food, but log it all in your diary (trust me, you'll love to come back and look at this day in a few months time!)
    - tomorrow - have a look at where all the calories are coming from. Pick ONE meal (breakfast is a great place to start) and google some "healthy breakfast recipes". Try a few new things over the next few days until you find something that makes you feel good and is reasonable in calories.
    - work your way through your other meals and make some changes if you need to. If might be that you keep eating the same things, but just reduce the portions and add extra veggies or salad to fill up your plate. Of you might want to try out some different kinds of foods. It's your choice.
    - start building exercise into your day. You don't have to run a marathon to start with - a 10 or 15 min walk is a great place to start. Do this every day for a week, then increase the time or distance or add in something new (gym, tennis lessons, dance class, swimming? What do you like?). When you exercise, add these to your food diary and it gives you a bit extra to eat to keep your body healthy while you lose weight.

    Keep doing these things - eating healthy meals (not too little, not too much) and do some exercise and you'll be amazed that losing weight really is possible!)
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'd love to support and encourage you. 470 days and almost 80 pounds ago, I was a person very similar to what you describe. But not anymore!
  • Ditto to what Rubybelle said and deb! I just started a little over a week ago and even though it's not much, I've lost 1lb...but it's a start. You have friends here that will encourage you and be there for you too. Just start out with small changes and add from there.

    Good luck and looking forward to going through this journey with you.

  • Welcome...I've only been on here a little over a week, but have met a few people and they've really encouraged me. Set small goals, make small changes. Take it one step and bite at a time.

    Good luck!

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,175 Member
    , sitting in my chair in front of my computer...

    I turn this into a positive. As long as I am typing, I cant be eating. ;)

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    This is all great stuff! And friends, don't discount the value of frienships of people you meet online. I have many friends that I have met online and I can assure you some of them I like better than people I know in real life. :laugh:

    You're not a blob. You're a person and you are worth the effort. Good to have you here!
  • OregonShell
    OregonShell Posts: 44 Member
    Baby steps... Start with goals. logging foods, and you's get that down then start adding exercise, find something you enjoy ie: go for a walk, ride abike, go hiking, dance your but off.. what ever you like that gets your heart rate up... we didn't get over weight over night and there fore won't get skinny over night.

    All things are ok in moderation.. so you don't "have to" give up your favorite things you just have to disapline yourself to moderation... For some people having a "cheat meal or day" and plan it so you have a meal to have some of the things u might be craving and maybe do something more active that day...

    We are all here for the same reasons to get healthy, some have reached their goals and others are still working on it .. most of the people here are really supportive... utilize the network and tools available..

    You Can Do this..
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    Hi, thanks for the welcome. I know you are right, it doesn't do any good to sit and whine and expect something to happen! Yes, we live in the country and we can walk on our road, but it is also too hot...I have asthma and the heat and humidity make it hard for me to walk during the day. In the evening I can walk as long as I stay on the road and it isn't dark, or one of our speedy neighbors might wipe me out! Also, we have rattlesnakes in our area, so walking around our property in the evening isn't a good idea. We do have a wrap around porch, so I am hoping once my hubby gets finished working on it, I can just start walking around it several times a day. :flowerforyou:
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :happy: Good ideas thanks! I really don't know what to say about my eating habits, because I don't really sit around and eat all day. Sometimes I doubt that I even eat two meals. I think my eating is too erratic and maybe that is messing me up. I do tend to over eat when I do sit down to a meal. Like most moms, I think I have to clean up what is left on the table....even though my kids have all grown up and been gone for years, it is still something I do. If there is enough, I will save it for lunch the next day, but "if there isn't enough to save" I will just gobble it up until it is gone. I am also a type 2 diabetic, but don't follow any guidelines. My sugar has never been over 122 so I don't worry, maybe I need to.....especially since I do tend to skip meals.
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :smile: Wow, that is great! Maybe someday I can tell someone the same thing about me! I need all the encouragement I can get...thanks!
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :smile: Thanks for the "you can do this!" I need to hear that! You have some good ideas and thoughts....thanks for the welcome.
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :smile: Thank you for the welcome. I agree some people you meet on line are great! I have belonged to several groups and have "met" some wonderful women.
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :wink: You haven't seen me typing with one hand and eating with the other! LOL But yes, as long as I am on my computer, I am not eating (as much) or out shopping and spending all our money on snacks and sodas, or bugging my hubby while he is trying to put railings up on our porch. So yes, being on my computer is a good thing....sometimes!!!
  • Sandise46
    Sandise46 Posts: 10
    :smile: Thanks for the is nice to be one more "newbie" in a group. Maybe we can help each other get over the first hurdle!
  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 339 Member
    Just try to remember that a journey is a series of decisions. Take each decision (to eat, to exercise, to track your food) one at a time. No matter how much or how little you do, if you stay on-program, you're making progress!