passion4peace Member


  • Congratulations! I'm getting married in March, so I definitely understand the motivation to want to trim up a bit. What things have you tried? Anything that you like or find easy to manage so far?
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Amanda, I understand exactly what you mean in terms of feeling like you are flying solo when you are the only one in your household that practices certain habits. My fiance tries to be supportive and will say that he is joining me on my health and fitness efforts, but he doesn't really…
  • Hello Everyone! I think that this is precisely the sort of group that I have been looking for. You all are quite inspiring. My goal is to have overall better (beautiful) habits that lead to improved health and fitness. A little about me: My name is Deanna. I am 24 years old, and currently live in Atlanta, Georgia with my…
  • You go girl! :smile:
  • I thought that I had to eat twice as much as a normal person during my pregnancy...Gained so much excess weight!! After I had my daughter I THOUGHT that it would all go away. Turned out there was only an 15 pound difference!! All that I gained was mostly fat and I have been fighting to get it off for the past two years...