Beautiful Behaviors - End of year 2016



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I do have it set to private, but I should just log it even though I am over. Because I know that it's not going to be forever, that I am over! Just makes me feel like I failed, when I am not "under"! So I don't log. Silly excuse and feeling!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    I am currently over every day too, Libby, and I find that just by logging every single bite, I'm slowly making changes. It's not "silly" to feel anything. Try setting your intention to log everything instead of to stay within your calories, and see how that works. Just redefine "success" and maybe that will help.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Always too hard on myself! Thanks for being so sweet. Sometimes I just need the push to help me think differently. :)
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    I think we're all too hard on ourselves. I've decided that's over for me. I am working on loving myself WHILE I get to the weight I want. I hope you will join me in adopting this attitude! <3
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, @ivygirl1937 ! happy to have you join us, losing about 1 lb per week is where I want to be. Great job, great attitude! welcome!
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Oh sorry, I forgot to say, my name is Amanda.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    I think we're all too hard on ourselves. I've decided that's over for me. I am working on loving myself WHILE I get to the weight I want. I hope you will join me in adopting this attitude! <3

    This. This is absolutely awesome, couldn't agree more.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Amanda, thanks! I think I deserve to be loved BECAUSE I'm working so hard to get healthier. This is a new attitude for me, and it's still sinking in, so let's all reinforce it for ourselves. Love yourself NOW!

    What are you doing to make yourself feel good today?

    Me? I'm writing everything in my head here. I love the interaction of an active group of people... I'm kind of needy that way. I guess a more positive way of looking at it is that I love leading a group of people with the same goals and attitudes in discussions that support those goals. So don't worry about posting "too much" here... it's more than welcome! :D
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome, Deanna! I'm so excited to have people join us here. I love a lively conversation. Feel free to use this as your accountability partner if you like... at the least, I will be here daily discussing my goals and achievements and challenges.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    edited December 2016
    Jess - You DO deserve love, even if you weren't trying to cultivate better habits, just for being an awesome person!

    Deanna - Welcome!! Accountability partners are so important to pick us up when we are down, for sure.

    Oh, and HI Libby and Mila and anyone else I missed!

    I guess I should actually tell a little bit about myself - I'm 27, I live in Kansas and have been married for almost three years now, and I work as an office administrator so unfortunately, I'm sitting down a LOT. Like I said, I'm been at this on MFP just over 300 days so about 10 months. I definitely need the accountability as well because no one in my life counts calories or even pays that much attention to what they are eating so I'm pretty much on my own. My husband can pretty much eat what he wants as his job is very active. He does try to support me the best he can though but it's not the same as someone doing it with you. I have my eating fairly well under control (not every day, but most days) but I really do want to get better at getting to the gym still so I'm working on that habit right now. Anyone on here can feel free to add me as a friend, just let me know where you know me so I know to add you back, I don't usually take blank requests.

    Oh, and I don't really weigh myself, I have some issues with the scale and using it too much and it driving me somewhat crazy. :lol:

    Jess - I'll probably be on here a lot during the day as well, I love having a sounding board just for anything and everything. :smiley: Like I'm feeling a little down/frustrated with myself today about yesterday and really the last few weeks but working on keeping it in perspective. I haven't back slid and that's a win!

    Edited for clarity.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    I think we're all too hard on ourselves. I've decided that's over for me. I am working on loving myself WHILE I get to the weight I want. I hope you will join me in adopting this attitude! <3

    This is exactly what I am working towards!! <3

    Hello, Amanda and Deanna!! Thanks for sharing your stories!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member

    I am an Administrative Assistant, I feel for you!! Right now I am working on straightening my eating out again, I went from moving a lot (Being a receptionist/mailroom for a company) to not moving a lot while I changed roles! I try only to weigh myself every few weeks or months, because otherwise I get a little crazy too!

    Jessi, THANK YOU for starting this. :) I have always had trouble with "loving" myself... even when I was at my goal weight. This time around will be different and successful. I'll learn to love myself as well as take care of myself/be healthier!
  • passion4peace
    passion4peace Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    Amanda, I understand exactly what you mean in terms of feeling like you are flying solo when you are the only one in your household that practices certain habits. My fiance tries to be supportive and will say that he is joining me on my health and fitness efforts, but he doesn't really try to hold me accountable since he doesn't want me to feel like he doesn't love me the way that I am. His job is also much more active than mine. I don't know many people personally that track their food intake or exercise, so I feel pretty solo in this journey.

    Jess, glad to have you all. I will try checking in regularly also to track my goals and achievements.

    Libby- I told myself that I would not touch the scale for a few months or unless visiting the doctor's office. I realize that looking at those numbers really cultivate negative feelings for whatever reason and ultimately influences how I see myself. I've given those numbers way too much importance up until this point. Starting to realize that the number really doesn't matter that much. I went a few months without getting on the scale, eating healthily, and incorporating moderate exercise. I was happy with how my body had started looking and feeling, and felt like I was making progress. Once I got on the scale and didn't see the numbers I'd expected, I thought that I'd been putting in all of the work for nothing. On Tuesday, I cried to my fiance because of this and it helped me realize how silly it felt to be giving that much importance to it. Throughout my journey, no matter what the scale read, whether it was 200 or 150 pounds, I wasn't happy with it. I just think it's time I find a better way to measure my progress.

    With that being said, one of my goals is to take weekly progress pictures/vids. Have any of you tried this?
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    With that being said, one of my goals is to take weekly progress pictures/vids. Have any of you tried this?

    I haven't tried that but that is an amazing idea!!! I don't have any pictures really of what I looked liked when I started, I wish I did because side-by-side photos from then to now can show progress that you don't see in the mirror. I may steal this idea!! :lol:
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Oh my gosh, that is exactly how I react when I step on the scale... after not, when I am thinking that my clothes fit better, my reflection is better, etc. I am hoping to not make such a big deal about the number! There are quite a few things that I am trying to accomplish:
    Love myself; forget the number on the scale; be happy. I know that by losing weight, these will all come full circle!

    I have this irrational fear that I am "single" because of my image... and I get it all the time where that is not the case and I must be just pursuing the "wrong one" so it has been a challenge to even accept myself, for myself.. when the few guys I dated/went on dates with... ghosted/decided not to continue/etc... and it was after they realized I wasn't a size 0. As silly as it sounds, it severely damaged my self-esteem... hence why I am so very hard on myself! I realize that I shouldn't care what people think, because I need to love myself before someone can love me, but it's hard when I have gone through this outcome over and over and over again!!

    I have been taking a few photos, and I also have photos from earlier years when I had achieved goal weight status... even then, I was not ok with how I looked, but I am telling myself this time it will be different. So I am aiming for monthly pictures! I think it is a great idea!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Deanna, I've been on MFP for almost one week, and I haven't weighed myself yet. I feel like you do about the scale. I plan on weighing myself on Jan 1, and then monthly after that. The scale usually makes me feel bad. :( And I don't want to feel bad any more! :)

    Amanda, thanks for the love <3.

    I don't want to take weekly pictures, because I have 100 lbs to lose, but I can manage monthly ones... maybe... I really HATE taking pictures, and I have to decide if taking them is a way of learning to love myself as I am, or if it's contributing to the dislike. I'll think on it.
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm form Germany, Bavaria, originally but have been residing in the UK since '92. i.e. I've been here for longer now than Germany, call both places home :-)

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    iris2811 wrote: »
    I'm form Germany, Bavaria, originally but have been residing in the UK since '92. i.e. I've been here for longer now than Germany, call both places home :-)

    Too cool!! I have family in Ipswitch? (sp?) My uncle was based over in England and just decided to stay put! Some day I want to visit!