Beautiful Behaviors - End of year 2016



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome, Deanna! I'm so excited to have people join us here. I love a lively conversation. Feel free to use this as your accountability partner if you like... at the least, I will be here daily discussing my goals and achievements and challenges.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    edited December 2016
    Jess - You DO deserve love, even if you weren't trying to cultivate better habits, just for being an awesome person!

    Deanna - Welcome!! Accountability partners are so important to pick us up when we are down, for sure.

    Oh, and HI Libby and Mila and anyone else I missed!

    I guess I should actually tell a little bit about myself - I'm 27, I live in Kansas and have been married for almost three years now, and I work as an office administrator so unfortunately, I'm sitting down a LOT. Like I said, I'm been at this on MFP just over 300 days so about 10 months. I definitely need the accountability as well because no one in my life counts calories or even pays that much attention to what they are eating so I'm pretty much on my own. My husband can pretty much eat what he wants as his job is very active. He does try to support me the best he can though but it's not the same as someone doing it with you. I have my eating fairly well under control (not every day, but most days) but I really do want to get better at getting to the gym still so I'm working on that habit right now. Anyone on here can feel free to add me as a friend, just let me know where you know me so I know to add you back, I don't usually take blank requests.

    Oh, and I don't really weigh myself, I have some issues with the scale and using it too much and it driving me somewhat crazy. :lol:

    Jess - I'll probably be on here a lot during the day as well, I love having a sounding board just for anything and everything. :smiley: Like I'm feeling a little down/frustrated with myself today about yesterday and really the last few weeks but working on keeping it in perspective. I haven't back slid and that's a win!

    Edited for clarity.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    I think we're all too hard on ourselves. I've decided that's over for me. I am working on loving myself WHILE I get to the weight I want. I hope you will join me in adopting this attitude! <3

    This is exactly what I am working towards!! <3

    Hello, Amanda and Deanna!! Thanks for sharing your stories!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member

    I am an Administrative Assistant, I feel for you!! Right now I am working on straightening my eating out again, I went from moving a lot (Being a receptionist/mailroom for a company) to not moving a lot while I changed roles! I try only to weigh myself every few weeks or months, because otherwise I get a little crazy too!

    Jessi, THANK YOU for starting this. :) I have always had trouble with "loving" myself... even when I was at my goal weight. This time around will be different and successful. I'll learn to love myself as well as take care of myself/be healthier!
  • passion4peace
    passion4peace Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    Amanda, I understand exactly what you mean in terms of feeling like you are flying solo when you are the only one in your household that practices certain habits. My fiance tries to be supportive and will say that he is joining me on my health and fitness efforts, but he doesn't really try to hold me accountable since he doesn't want me to feel like he doesn't love me the way that I am. His job is also much more active than mine. I don't know many people personally that track their food intake or exercise, so I feel pretty solo in this journey.

    Jess, glad to have you all. I will try checking in regularly also to track my goals and achievements.

    Libby- I told myself that I would not touch the scale for a few months or unless visiting the doctor's office. I realize that looking at those numbers really cultivate negative feelings for whatever reason and ultimately influences how I see myself. I've given those numbers way too much importance up until this point. Starting to realize that the number really doesn't matter that much. I went a few months without getting on the scale, eating healthily, and incorporating moderate exercise. I was happy with how my body had started looking and feeling, and felt like I was making progress. Once I got on the scale and didn't see the numbers I'd expected, I thought that I'd been putting in all of the work for nothing. On Tuesday, I cried to my fiance because of this and it helped me realize how silly it felt to be giving that much importance to it. Throughout my journey, no matter what the scale read, whether it was 200 or 150 pounds, I wasn't happy with it. I just think it's time I find a better way to measure my progress.

    With that being said, one of my goals is to take weekly progress pictures/vids. Have any of you tried this?
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

    With that being said, one of my goals is to take weekly progress pictures/vids. Have any of you tried this?

    I haven't tried that but that is an amazing idea!!! I don't have any pictures really of what I looked liked when I started, I wish I did because side-by-side photos from then to now can show progress that you don't see in the mirror. I may steal this idea!! :lol:
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Oh my gosh, that is exactly how I react when I step on the scale... after not, when I am thinking that my clothes fit better, my reflection is better, etc. I am hoping to not make such a big deal about the number! There are quite a few things that I am trying to accomplish:
    Love myself; forget the number on the scale; be happy. I know that by losing weight, these will all come full circle!

    I have this irrational fear that I am "single" because of my image... and I get it all the time where that is not the case and I must be just pursuing the "wrong one" so it has been a challenge to even accept myself, for myself.. when the few guys I dated/went on dates with... ghosted/decided not to continue/etc... and it was after they realized I wasn't a size 0. As silly as it sounds, it severely damaged my self-esteem... hence why I am so very hard on myself! I realize that I shouldn't care what people think, because I need to love myself before someone can love me, but it's hard when I have gone through this outcome over and over and over again!!

    I have been taking a few photos, and I also have photos from earlier years when I had achieved goal weight status... even then, I was not ok with how I looked, but I am telling myself this time it will be different. So I am aiming for monthly pictures! I think it is a great idea!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Deanna, I've been on MFP for almost one week, and I haven't weighed myself yet. I feel like you do about the scale. I plan on weighing myself on Jan 1, and then monthly after that. The scale usually makes me feel bad. :( And I don't want to feel bad any more! :)

    Amanda, thanks for the love <3.

    I don't want to take weekly pictures, because I have 100 lbs to lose, but I can manage monthly ones... maybe... I really HATE taking pictures, and I have to decide if taking them is a way of learning to love myself as I am, or if it's contributing to the dislike. I'll think on it.
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm form Germany, Bavaria, originally but have been residing in the UK since '92. i.e. I've been here for longer now than Germany, call both places home :-)

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    iris2811 wrote: »
    I'm form Germany, Bavaria, originally but have been residing in the UK since '92. i.e. I've been here for longer now than Germany, call both places home :-)

    Too cool!! I have family in Ipswitch? (sp?) My uncle was based over in England and just decided to stay put! Some day I want to visit!
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    Interesting what you all say about the scale - that's one thing i stay quite cool about - weigh daily stick it on an app look at the trend and forget about it -hoping to go weekly though once I'm maintaining

    isn't it strange? - i was with my ex who i know loved and fancied with me for 18 years but he was just not able to pay me a compliment or tell me he fancied me - this was the reason why i had to learn to love my body just for myself. that was the start for me as it had been a thorn in my side all the time we were together. unfortunately for him this starting process of learning to love my body (i have never been in the overweight range of bmi - just wasn't at the ideal i had in my head) lead to me reevaluating our entire relationship and ended in me leaving him.

    I would say that many possible partners feel when we struggle with ourselves- nothing attracts like confidence it's worth learning it by faking it if necessary

    today's positive? hm I got to my measly 1400 with good food but decided to celebrate my last day at work with a glass of cider anyway - happy to maintain over the next couple of weeks (going to Germany for the first week in Jan) and losing the last few pound when i get back - because I CAN :-)

  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    and when you do woznube7 i'd love to meet you :-) in Ipswich ;-) you nearly had it
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    What a great thread! So positive, thanks for starting it!

    Iris I agree, I think when you love yourself at whatever size you are is when you start losing weight for yourself and not anyone else but it starts with accepting your body the way it is.

    Hi everyone, my name is Sunny, I'm a 28 years old Graphic designer in Sydney Australia. So I sit on a desk behind a computer aaaalll day.

    Since my mother died last year, I realised that life is short so I want to be and do the best in this life I can. I'm married to a wonderful American man and we are planning to start a family soon so I'm trying to lose weight to get as close to a healthy BMI I can be before falling pregnant. Hopefully that will allow me to have a healthy pregnancy I know there are a lot of things I can't control but I'm trying to do the best I can with the little I can control like diet and exercise.

    My starting weight was 79 kg (174 lbs) and I'm trying to get to 69 kg initially (151lbs) then ultimately to 60 kg (132 lbs) I'm now around 72.7
    (159lbs) since starting this journey 7 weeks ago. I had a time goal of when I want to achieve this weight loss - by the end of January but my weight loss has been slower than I thought it would be! And it's Christmas time. So I'm going to loosen my grip a little bit and throw the schedule out the window and just keep doing what I'm doing and see how it goes :)

    Nice to meet everyone please feel free to add
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    Wow Sunny what a great start!

    I love that you chose to turn something so sad as the loss of your mum into something so positive for you!
    You are definitely doing the right thing. I was quite fit and in good shape when i fell pregnant. This in turn led to me having a really active pregnancy with lots of swimming and walking. And in turn again once my boy was born it led to me doing a lot walking pushing the pram (i basically shopped on a daily basis for food etc which meant a 2.5 mile walk into town plus a bit in town and an uphill push, fully loaded on the way home) without any real dieting aside from mindful healthy eating i had my pre-pregnancy weight by his first birthday.
    Good luck with it all!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Hi, Sunny! wow, we're international! :)
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    wow again... i just entered all my food for the evening and... i didn't go over! :smiley:

    Yay!!! Great job, Jess!!
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Hi Sunny!! Welcome to our little party! I have a similar goal, to be healthier before I get pregnant but I have a lot longer way to go! :lol: You are doing awesome!
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    wow again... i just entered all my food for the evening and... i didn't go over! :smiley:

  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Sunny!! Welcome to our little party! I have a similar goal, to be healthier before I get pregnant but I have a lot longer way to go! :lol: You are doing awesome!

    Ivy thank you! I'll slowly get around to adding everyone here :)
  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    iris2811 wrote: »
    Wow Sunny what a great start!

    I love that you chose to turn something so sad as the loss of your mum into something so positive for you!
    You are definitely doing the right thing. I was quite fit and in good shape when i fell pregnant. This in turn led to me having a really active pregnancy with lots of swimming and walking. And in turn again once my boy was born it led to me doing a lot walking pushing the pram (i basically shopped on a daily basis for food etc which meant a 2.5 mile walk into town plus a bit in town and an uphill push, fully loaded on the way home) without any real dieting aside from mindful healthy eating i had my pre-pregnancy weight by his first birthday.
    Good luck with it all!

    Thank you! and great to hear that you managed to be active while pregnant and afterwards, gives me hope. People keep telling me that i'll put on so much weight when i get pregnant and then i'll feel too sick/not enough time to exercise which really discourages me sometimes. It's good to hear that its possible!
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    Ahhh people lol - now i must say I had a dream pregnancy - no sickness no unusual cravings (well apart from having porridge with home made apple sauce, which i have not had since or before, literally every morning). I think the trick is not to use it as an excuse to simply over-eat - there are guide lines for how may calories you need extra etc if you want to be scientific about it but as you are already in a health focused mindset you will probably just continue doing what you are already doing. I do believe staying active was key :smile:
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, everyone! SO cool to wake up and see all the chatter from yesterday. I feel like I'm getting to know you all, and having friends going through this definitely helps me.

    About 15 years ago, I was doing WW online and I started a group called Weightloss Warriors. We "met" daily for over a year, and I lost 35 lbs with their support. I'm looking forward to similar success this time around!

    I'm a big proponent of baby steps, mini goals so small that they don't stress me out at all. Right now, I have three: 1. increase my average steps per day every day. I use a Fitbit, and it tells me the average for the last seven days. Every day I will walk further than the average, therefore increasing my steps overall, until I reach 10,000/day! (I'm at 3500 now.)
    2. drink at least 64 oz of water. I keep a quart Ball Jar on my desk at home and fill it at least twice a day.
    3. track all my food. I'm not trying to eat any specific way, I'm just getting more aware and this is organically reducing the amount I'm eating.

    Come Jan 1, I will get on the scale and start to work hard on increasing my steps and decreasing my food intake, but for now, I'm just getting comfy with being aware.

    What baby steps are you working on this week?
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    My baby steps for the next couple of weeks are:

    turn down food I'm not bothered about - chocolate, cookies, cakes...why eat stuff I'm not really into? BUT enjoy what i do like - have some cheese and nuts and crisps, enjoy the taste but be mindful to not stuff myself for the sake of it

    enjoy how i look and feel atm

    sit down and make a proper training plan for my big ride in April

    tracking in Germany will be next to impossible so I will not track and see how that goes as that is my goal anyway. I really think that once i am more active again it will not be necessary anyway - I've done this often enough to know what a portion is, it's time to put it into practice

    If I'm over my new top weight 63kg/138lb when i get back then go back into deficit (with tracking) till that is reached.

    My Christmas is Christmas Eve and again no tracking for the next few days ... I see this as a holiday and i'm not prepared to measure etc

    Love this little group we're getting together :-)

  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Jess, Baby steps are great! And more sustainable :) tracking definitely increases awareness and that is so powerful

    Iris Germany sounds exciting! I'm a little jealous.

    My mini goal at the moment is just to stay reasonable during Christmas and to keep my fitness routines. At the same time I'm also trying to just relax and enjoy this holiday season with my friends and family and to do things that mentally and spiritually recharging like reading a book, journaling, going to nature etc.

    On that note it's Christmas Eve tomorrow in Australia so Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New year
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    i'm off to get my car serviced. their wifi is spotty, so i may not be on for a few hours. boring!
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Sunny!! Along with visiting England and Germany, I also have always wanted to visit Australia! So cool! Nice to "meet" you!! :) This is a great group! I love it! Merry Christmas Eve and Christmas to you! When something's going wrong or I am worried, I always say "It's already tomorrow in Australia"... so I know have a new day ahead and it will be OK!

    Iris - Deal!!! It may be a few years, but it will happen!! I have wanted to visit since I was little! I am all about heritage and such (My dad is big into Ancestry). We have roots in Germany/Czech/etc. I just want to visit everywhere!

    Jess - Here are my baby steps: (I tend to try to take bigger steps sometimes and end up stumbling.. which is a good reminder to take smaller ones!!)

    -Drink at least 100 OZ (I am a plain water drinker, but it has to be filtered, either from the Brita pitcher or the bottled water... in which I recycle after *go green*, while I pour it into my favorite Toronto Blue Jays Tervis water bottle.

    -Log and complete my diary... even if I am over calories. This I am sure will help me eventually to not go over calories. No more over indulging!!

    -Complete 13 5 K's, again. (This is a BIG goal, but the baby goal is to complete at least one a month). I did this a few years ago and was probably in my almost best shape, although I didn't appreciate it at the time! I took it for granted and now I am working on getting back to that!

    Good morning! I am working a half day at my day job, then a half day at my night job (I have two jobs right now, unfortunately... so that means 11 hrs of sitting 10 days out of the month).
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    I just got a 2500 estimate for my car, and my reaction was to eat a bag of Twizzler and a hot chocolate. Sigh.
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    jessiquoi wrote: »
    I just got a 2500 estimate for my car, and my reaction was to eat a bag of Twizzler and a hot chocolate. Sigh.

    I'm sorry to hear about your car, Jess!! I had something similar just happen with mine but that was about 3 times what my car was worth so I ended getting a different one (mine was falling apart all the time anyway), sorry you have to go through this! But don't beat yourself up, log it and move on. Every moment you have a chance for a new decision, you can change what direction you go. Baby steps, remember? :smile: You got this!

    Good morning, btw, ladies (or whatever time it is where you are, I think evening for a couple of you)! I love reading everyone's goals. I did add the couple of you that I saw pop on my friend requests, sorry I haven't had a chance to send a message saying hello yet. Very excited to "meet" you all and be a part of this group!

    So my mini goals:
    1) Slowly work myself back into a deficit. I've been letting it slide lately and I need to get back into the deficit.
    2) Getting back to the gym at least three times a week. That's my minimum goal. I'm thinking Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, but we'll see. I usually get plenty of exercise on the weekend, it's during the week that is an issue. I did just get a pair of Bluetooth headphones for the gym with a gift card hubby got me so I'm really excited to have those to take because I'm that crazy person who get all tangled up in their headphones and rips them out of her ears on accident (ouch) and just is a hot mess. :lol:
    3) Sleeping more (or better quality sleep). Seems like a strange goal but I don't sleep very well so usually I'm running on very little sleep and caffeine and I know they say sleep is really important for basically everything so I want to figure out a way to get more or better quality sleep. Ironically I had a coffee at like 7:30 last night and actually woke up before my alarm this morning, so that was a new one. Maybe I should drink coffee before bed! :lol:

    I think those are my goals at the moment, I'll probably think of more later. Merry Christmas Eve or Christmas, everyone!

  • sunnysunny88
    sunnysunny88 Posts: 64 Member
    Libby, that's a great attitude! Yup, Australia is beautiful you should definitely come here one day :)