jjustjo Member


  • You look fantastic S!!!
  • CrazySteve: Very thought provoking blog. My mother, who was the worlds best mother, fed her family to show love. Food=Love. More food, more love. Dieting= Denying yourself love? hmmm That is how my wires got crossed.
  • HUGS L! Have a good trip! Your thursday/friday triump is sorting all the above stuff out in your own time and way.
  • Freakin Fantastic!! I think you should post your very first blog with your pictures. You know that guy who was worried his new scales wouldn't go high enough to weigh him. You've come miles in such a short time.
  • Karen: Tho my kids aren't fighting, they all seem to be going through life changes. Marriages breaking up, babies born, others sick,others fighting to get parental rights, others single and wanting to be married, etc. It's always something. No matter how many miles you are removed from it, you still feel concerned when…
  • I am in Florida! But I am as close as a plane ride.
  • Thursday Triump: hmmm can't wait to start work tomorrow and find my routine. Maybe I will stop feeling so out-of-sorts. I am so tired of living in limbo. Diet Limbo...Exercise Limbo....Life in General Limbo. Tomorrow is my fresh start! yeah!
  • Me too Rollercoasters! I think we should all meet @ a theme park in a year and ride the heck out of them!
  • Jackie: I don't know if this will help, but when I first started I had the snacking after supper problems also. I started drinking caffine free coffee or hot tea. The sipping helped occupy my mouth and the water helped me feel less hungry. I still drink green tea with splenda to satisfy my sugar cravings in the evenings…
  • hahahaha luv it! I don't flip, but I do curse it and my scales too! hahaha
  • crossing my legs was HUGE! My goal now is to walk into any store and buy a size 16, go home and it fits perfect. Needless to say that is about 40 lbs or so away.
  • If "if everyday" was correct I would weigh 205 lbs by now. grrrrr I know it's suppose to be encourging but it plain ticks me off. haha
  • YAAAAAAAYYYYY YOU!! Sunshine: I don't know how you do those cloudy days. I'd be done after about 3. I am a sun seeker! No tanning sun...like that, but sun out everyday kind. You are amazing girl! Wow...congrats all the LOSERS today!!! I hope I am joining you next week! For the rest of you like me...it's time look forward…
  • It's finally moving day!!! True, my house is on wheels so it isn't that big of deal, but it is to me. We've been on hold for months waiting for the customers who are in our space to leave, then my husband and friend formed up and poured cement for our porch. It rained and put that behind a couple of days. When you live in…
  • Wednesday Weigh-In: Screen name: jjustjo Goal for April 2011: March 30th (228.0): April 6th: 226.0 (finally 5-0 down) April 13th: April 20th: April 27th: down 58 lbs (half way to my goal)
  • TO GROUP, what is your pet peeve word or your 4 letter word that you do not like when it comes to getting healthy and it does not have to be 4 -letters since Shelly's was not actually 4 letter word? My pet peeve is not a word....It's a skinny person telling me what I should be eating or how I should be exercising. It's…
  • Absolutely, katzpawz. Amen sister! This is exactly my problem also. I am never happy with how much I am doing and always feel I could do more, then I get discouraged and fall off the wagon. *sigh*
  • me too Cathy. If I don't eat my big meal at night I find myself looking for snacks all evening and eating way more
  • MJ I am far from an expert, but I have the same problem as you. When I first came to MFP all my friends said" eat more!". I ate more and gained weight. If I ate less I wouldn't lose after time and get stuck in starvation mode. Then I read a post about keeping your body guessing (zig zag dieting). For the most part that has…
  • Yep, you get shorter as you get older as your vertibraes are compressed and worn down over time. Some old folks get that curve of the spine. I am hoping to avoid that! Aging isn't for sissys! I haven't changed my ticker with my gains, but I suppose I would if I gained and didn't lose it in a certain amount of time. I would…
  • Congrats on the walk. woot woot! Great accomplishment! IE Scales: I have a love/hate relationship with my scales. haha Good luck with your new ones!
  • Monday Check-In: I am happy to report my 5 lb gain is nearly gone. Hopefully, I will continue to lose this week and maybe finally I will drop a few pounds down from my recent long long "stall". I can only hope! Have a great week! I start work on friday and I am sooooo ready! Tho, I will have to start getting up by 6:30 am…
  • YUM Cassie can't wait to try it!! HUGS GF!
  • Gabby: My one tip....you gotta want it as bad as you want your husband to come home. All the little ups and downs don't matter if you stay strong and REALLY want it to happen and you are committed to doing it thru thick and thin. The rest will fall into place. Does that make sense?
  • hmmm guilty pleasures. I want to say I don't have any, but I must confess. Sometimes I shop and buy things I don't need, BUT I only feel guilty about it because of MY HUSBAND. Sometimes I feel quilty when eat chocolate, because I love it sooooo much. I read trashy books (not romance, I hate romance novels). hehe It's the…
  • I just eat it and fake the calories as best I can. It's just one meal! It takes 3500 calories to gain a mere pound and you know you aren't eating that much. no worries!
  • MJ: I get the funk/depression also. I want it to happen and I want it NOW, but my crazy body has a mind of it's own. I POUT! and then I move on. haha You know my 3 day rule! hahaha
  • Saturday Share Day: I gained 5 lbs this week. My feet and legs are swelled up like balloons from eating all that salt and riding the car for so long. I will drink more water and hope I start peeing soon! haha
  • ((((BIG HUG L)))) Life is a *itch sometimes. All you can do is put the *itch in her place and move forward!