

  • So, first of all, what is a burpee?! Also: do you do one series of 8 a day, and mix it up during that series? Or do you do a whole series of 8 lunges, and then later a whole series of 8 jacks, etc.?
  • Big C - can you tell me more? For example: do you do it once a day? Do you mix up cardio and weights? How do you choose the exercises you do?
  • My problem is that, while I KNOW I am about 20 pounds overweight, I am NOT really motivated enough to make a radical change... I am healthy, not worried about my longevity, I can still buy a "normal" clothing size... but when I look in the mirror or at some photos, I'm shocked at how old, flabby and out of shape I appear.…
  • Jim - I'm not making excuses: I own and use a treadmill and weights, and typically walk 20-30 minutes per day, often while also doing several sets of upper body exercises. I've taken dance classes, tennis, I dance, swim, etc. But as you probably know, unless one exercises quite hard for at least an hour or more every day,…
  • Thanks everyone! I see that this site ADDS calories to your daily allowance when you exercise, which is pretty motivating (a 20-minute walk = a nice packet of almonds, for example!). Do you use that system to motivate you to exercise? Or do you stick with the original calorie count?
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