Dannadl Member


  • I bought the sample pack on Syntrax Nectar powders. Most are very good. there were a few flavors that I didn't like, but I think the sample pack had 10 or 12 single serving powders in different flavors to try.
  • I like Quest brand protein powder, Ideal Lean chocolate and Isopure powder. In ready mix I can do the EAS low carb, the premier protein (though not my favorite) and the best ones are Lean Builder Rockin Refuel by Shamrock Farms. As far as vitamins I like the Wild Berry Chrystals by Bariatric Advantage. Celebrate Vitamins…
  • Scientific data from the past decade have proved that the age of 35 years is not an obligatory border at which to stop taking oral contraceptives (OCs). Combined OC formulations (COCs) are safe and effective for healthy women up to the age of the menopause. The use of OCs in women who do not smoke does not result in an…
  • tye That's funny, my Dr. put me on birth control pills to control the peri menopause symptoms. He offered Ambian, Xanex and an anti-depressant to deal with sleep disruptions, hot flashes and anxiety, or I could take birth control pills and likely alleviate all the symptoms. I opted for the birth control pills and they work…
  • From my 1st period at 13 years old to now at 48 I've been absolutely regular as a calendar and NOTHING seems to disrupt me at all. My period returned with in 2 months of giving birth both times (and I exclusively breast fed for 6-12 months both times), and it returned so regular you could set your calendar by it. Same…
  • Before I had my RNY 4 years ago I weighed about 350lbs. My OB/GYN and her nurse practitioner always make it a big issue, and always made verbal digs about my diet, though I'd never discussed it with them. So I was in the their office about 2 years post op. At that point I was around 175lbs (I'm 5'7"). I was there because I…
  • Totally normal. I stalled in my 1st month and my husband finally took our scale to work with him because I was driving myself crazy weighing 10 times a day. In my surgeon's office online board for patients this is a very common thread. My husband took the scale away for a month and it was the best thing he ever did for me.…
  • I also have and Enell but don't like wearing it due to the uniboob and racer back issues. I'm in Phoenix, so at this time of year a tank top is essential. I'm a 32DD and anytime you get bigger than a C it gets hard to find good sports bras. Frankly I can't find 32DD anywhere except specialty stores. Most stores carry 32A,…
  • If find my fitness pal a little hard to work with in this area. But, here's what I do...I shoot for 80-120g of protein, no more than 50 net grams of carbs, 20-30g of fiber, no more than 25 g of non-naturally occurring, added sugars. And around 800-1200 calories a day depending on the day. I'm 3 years post op. Trying to…
  • On the subject of family and friend saboteurs............. The day I came home from the hospital after having my RNY. My kids were 3 & 5 at the time and my husband's sister babysat them so he could drive to the hospital and pick me up. You know how it is when you're being released at the hospital, they tell you and then it…
  • Stalls are totally normal. That being said, when I hit my 1st on (around 3 weeks post op) I freaked the heck out. I was weighing myself 20 times a day, I was in a panic. My husband ended up loading my scale into his car and taking it to his office for a month. (I'm a stay at home mom). I couldn't weigh in for a month. I…
  • I'm 3 years out from RNY and I'm still trying to lose 40-50lbs. That being said the nutritionist at my surgeon's office has me on 100 grams of protein a day (I exercise a lot) and no more than 50-75 net carbs a day. I do eat fruit, but I eat very little simple carbs, and very little grain or starch type carbs.
  • I think it's really hard to set an "ultimate" goal when you've never experienced living at that weight before. I'm 5'7" tall and 47 years old. Right now I'm sitting at around 183lbs. I think I'd like to get down to 135lbs, but I'm not really sure if that's realistic. The funny thing is, right now at 183lbs (34% body fat) I…
  • I had surgery on a Friday and my husband went back to work on Tuesday (I'm a stay at home mom at that time with a 2 & 4 year old. My husband had surgery on a Friday and went back to work after a week, but felt like he could have gone back sooner.
  • I was never a runner, and honestly I still don't love it. But, I don't hate it and I can do it. I keep up my running (though not at the level that I did when I was training for the 1/2 marathon because I don't want to lose the ability to do it again. I have 2 very active little boys (6 & 8), I love that as I'm teaching my…
  • I'm 3 years post op RNY. I was never one that was much for exercise, and honestly I didn't start until I was 1 year post op (but I don't advocate or recommend that). The exercise physiologist at my surgeon's office told me not to expect to see any results for 6 months after I started exercising. So I committed to exercise…
  • Weekly. I tried daily but it makes me nuts.
  • First, I recommend trying sample sizes of as many different protein shake types as you can. There is such a variety of flavors and textures and types of protein. Before we had surgery my husband stocked us up an a HUGE tub of protein powder and then we hated it. ...liked it before surgery and hated it after. So try single…
  • I donated them as fast as I shrunk out of them and continue to do so...I don't want to give myself the option of regain.
  • Zero days. My surgeon doesn't require a liquid diet prior to surgery. Just clear liquids 24 hours before.
  • My surgeon BTW does a lot of revision surgeries to get rid of bands and take patients into RNY or the sleeve. Her office all but won't install them anymore...lowest rate of weightloss or the surgical options and highest rate of complications. She's thinking that the bands may be removed from the market entirely because of…
  • What does your surgeon and nutritionist say?
  • I had no problems getting approved. But my insurance simply required a specific BMI for 3 years. When my SIL had RNY 10 years ago, her insurance carrier (who as it happened was also her employer -CIGNA) had an unstated policy of denying everyone at least once even if they qualified under the plan. As an employee she knew…
    in denial? Comment by Dannadl January 2015
  • Hi. I'll be 3 years post op in March (RNY). Here are my stat's that show how much muscle to fat loss I've had based on the body composition scale at my surgeon's office: Height 5'7", starting weight 347.5, current age 47, - female 2 month post op: 303.5lbs, Body fat mass 161lbs, non-fat mass 142.51lbs (there is a water #…
  • I also love Savers and shop there quite a bit and that's where the clothes that I shrink out of go. I also only buy what fits right now and don't buy ahead. I've often dropped more than a size and didn't know it or held at a size though more than a season. So, I buy as needed as well.
  • I didn't buy clothes ahead and I'm glad that I didn't. The 1st time I had to buy new jeans, I had been wearing size 28's and a snug 26/28 tops. I thought I was into a 26 maybe a 24. I was so wrong. I went into a Lane Bryant store 3 1/2 months post op and bought size 20 jeans and 18/20 tops. It was expensive. Then I started…
  • I lift weights a lot (I lift for my tricepts 2x's a week and do a bootcamp 5-6 days a week that does lots of tricept work. It's helped a bit, but it's not going to solve the issue.
    in Batwings Comment by Dannadl January 2015
  • Yes. My surgeon doesn't allow soup. The nutritionists at my surgeon's office say that you have too eat too much volume to get enough nutrition with soup early on and later soup is goes through your stomach too fast and allows you to overeat too easily. A very thick stew or chili they are fine with though.
    in SOUPS!! Comment by Dannadl January 2015
  • I have some loose skin on my arms. It's not as bad as I expected it to be, but worse than I'd like. I lift weights and work out a lot. It's helped some, but ultimately surgery will be the only thing to completely get rid of them. But I've lost 170lbs and am 47 years old so I kind of had to expect some loose skin.
    in Batwings Comment by Dannadl January 2015
  • I had RNY in March of 2012. I've lost 80% of my excess weight. By the end of my 1st year post op I'd lost 58% of my excess weight. It does get harder as time goes on. I'm working on losing the final 20% this year. By the end of my second year post op I had lost 78% of my excess weight and the third year it really slowed…