

  • A: Baker Q: How do you quit your job when you love your co-workers but hate the work?
  • What band/artist would you love to see live *if* they were still touring? Temple of the Dog If you could travel for a week to any part of the world at no cost where would you like to go?
  • A complete set of resistance bands is pretty inexpensive and doesn't take up much space and is a great way to start. I travel a lot for work and always pack mine with me in case the gym at the hotel is lacking.
  • A complete set of resistance bands is pretty inexpensive and doesn't take up much space and is a great way to start. I travel a lot for work and always pack mine with me in case the gym at the hotel is lacking.
  • What an insipiring story, thanks for sharing and helping to keep me motivated!
  • I really like the Isopure Unflavored Whey Protein. You can mix it in any drink, or even replace some of the flour in baked goods like waffles or muffins. I've mixed it with fruit and vegetable juices, and almond milk and it hasn't ever tasted off or had any aftertaste. The only think I did not like with was plain water.…
  • Have you considered resistance band training? I found it less intimidating than starting out with weights, and since so many sets come with handles and bands of different "weights" it was affordable and flexible. There are a ton of different sites with free workouts posted, but I linked a couple below if you want to check…
  • I have the Polar FT4 and use it only for tracking workout duration, HR & calories expended. I did not want one to connect to my phone or any other devices. I log my time manually in My Fitness Pal. The FT4 was an affordable way to try out an HRM and it meets all of my needs. I use it for everything now including hikes, dog…
  • I am starting this weekend, so maybe we can keep each other motivated. I haven't met anyone else who had even heard of this, but it looks manageable.