workouts for dummies?

I am so frustrated with my uncoordinated efforts to workout. Does anyone have a suggestion for a workout routine that provides a muscle building component? I have tried yoga, Pilates, zumba, bar method even free weights and getting the form right is driving me crazy. I don't have the money to hire a trainer or attend classes where someone else can check my form/position so I'm in front of a mirror pausing the disc every second to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. After several attempts I find I'm still struggling to follow the instructions, keep up with the damn instructors and do the exercise. I already hate to exercise so it doesn't take much to get me to walk away.

I do cardio on a treadmill or bike so I mostly need the resistance exercises. I had a gym membership and I was doing well as long as I could use the weight machines that really control the form and range of motion. I had to let my membership go for financial reasons and my schedule is such that I can only exercise at odd hours so it needs to be something I can do at home. My fitness level is not great so I also need something that starts with a fairly low intensity.

Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. I'm not sure if my profile is visible to the public so for a point of reference I am a 43yo female I weigh 185lbs down from a highest weight of 283lbs. I have MS so my balance is not great but I have full range of motion and decent flexibility.
