

  • My prodigious love of beer is my primary motivation for calorie counting and exercise. I just think: "The more I work out and the less crappy things I eat, the more good beer I can drink." I mean, I still probably only have one or two craft or home brews a day, but it's good motivation.
  • I'll be honest, friend, I can't tell what it is you're trying to say. There appears to be some miscommunication between the two of us. I was merely pointing out that the initator of this thread was operating under a couple of fallacious arguments, namely some over generalizations about Americans. Anyway, to the rest of the…
  • What are you trying to argue here, buddy? That a diet shouldn't consist solely of processed foods? Is anyone even pushing that agenda? No. If you're trying to tell us that the only way to lose weight would be to completely rid your diet of processed foods, then I'd tell you you're full of crap. That makes about as much…
  • Pretty sure that's what I said, added in with the bit about quantity and the amount of physical activity we---that is, developed nations---don't engage in anymore. There's a reason "exercise" wasn't an industry until almost the fifties. The whole foods thing... look, obviously everyone should eat more fruits and…
  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news, here, but eating mayo on a white bread sandwich isn't what makes Americans fat. Putting aside the TACIT over generalization in the sentence "Why Americans are fat", the problem with the eating culture in any developed nation isn't WHAT they eat, it's HOW MUCH they eat, as compared the…