"No Mayo?" Why Americans Are Fat



  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I never ate mayo when I was fat. I must have gotten fat because aliens were coming into my room while I slept and injecting it into me, then erasing my memory.

    Yeah.....that's the ticket.....
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Every country has SOME bad eating habits. Don't fool youself. Did you know that many Canadians' condiment of choice for french fries is GRAVY?! They serve that option in most restaurants there that offer french fries. I had never heard such a thing before we started vacationing there once a year (from childhood on.)

    we have that here in NJ. Disco fries. yuck

    It's not a condiment of choice, canadians are more known for using vinegar (why, i have no idea). what you're refering to is a poutine: fries, gravy and curds of cheese, and some poutine places will have a bunch of other toppings on them too :tongue:

    Personally I think it's more about cutting out the processed stuff. If you made fries with fresh potatoes, chances are it wouldn't be as bad as the frozen stuff. For a several weeks I didn't lose any weight at all, despite being on my feet 60hrs/week for work. but then for two weeks I ate nothing but leftovers from a big party we had (and all of it was my mom's cooking, mostly rice-based dishes since it was all perian food *drools*) and in those two weeks I immediately lost 4 pounds. It didn't matter that I was eating a bunch of carbs sloshed in deliciously oily sauces, what mattered was that it was REAL FOOD, and not the cold-cut sandwiches and granola bars I was having at work everyday. And I think the best part of that time was that those two weeks was the only time I was ever actually full. Aside from then, every time I had a bagel or some other kind of sandwich or cereal for breakfast, I ALWAYS would suddenly become starving 3 hours into work on the dot. But with real food, I was always content. It was a beautiful time, and I now eat leftovers for breakfast every chance I get!

    Maybe it depends where in Canada you are from? Up here (Northern BC) We eat gravy with our fries. You can't even get vinegar unless you are at a seafood place having deep fried fish sticks. Gracy is offered at every restaurant if you order fries, and gererally I order it. Then I dip my fries into it.

    Poutine is good too....so cheesy. Its brown gravy made from beef stock....not that white stuff I keep seeing on American food shows.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    American's are fat for a whole list of reasons. Not having "no mayo" in our vocabulary is one of the more tame ones. Its really pretty sad. After losing 112lbs i just cant help but see that people are a lot lazier in the US.

    I see too many lazy people here in the UK to agree with that. People seem to just amble about stsnding still on the escalators, waiting for lifts that are next to stairs, driving around looking for the very nearest parking space to the shops; I'm sure they would just stand still on a moving walkway between shops if they had the option!

    When I visit America it's the huge portions of everything that I notice - I guess it's supply and demand, bu I haven't noticed any more laziness than here in UK
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    I love Mayo in my tuna salad. Oh hey, I'm still losing weight. Shocker
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    I understand what you're trying to say. Most people make thoughtless decisions about what they put into our bodies and our society has become accustomed to that and you're right - that's why people get fat. They don't take the time to gather information on the foods they're eating.

    Good post.
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    Every country has SOME bad eating habits. Don't fool youself. Did you know that many Canadians' condiment of choice for french fries is GRAVY?! They serve that option in most restaurants there that offer french fries. I had never heard such a thing before we started vacationing there once a year (from childhood on.)

    Don't forget the cheese curds...POUTINE FTW!

  • joymechelle99
    joymechelle99 Posts: 16 Member
    Carbohydrates are not bad or unhealthy as long as they are complex carbs. I have lost tons of weight 130 pounds eating carbs. I choose to limit animal products, oil, and fat to very very minimal once in a while treats. My diet consists of whole foods, fresh veggies fruits, beans, potatoes, whole wheat bread and pasta, and i also use brown rice pasta. Wheat bread may have the same or more calories than white but it has less processed sugar and wheat bread has more fiber which helps you feel full longer. Carbs are not bad they are healthy and delicious. Processed carbs such as sugar, candy, high fructose corn syrup are all very unhealthy along with every type of oil. Check out the engine 2 diet, the china study, and forks over knives. Fat and animal products is why americans are so obese. My mom has been following this diet for four months lost 60 pounds and has stopped taking all insulin, her type 2 diabetes has been cured. Along with blood pressure meds being cut in half.
  • The American diet change dramatically in the 1980s, there was an increase in consuming "convenient" easily prepared foods. Things with a long shelf life, fast cooking, and more easily manufactured. The American obesity rate has more than doubled in since that time.

    Your grandmother may have eaten more fried foods with lard, butter and animal fats. I bet that she wasn't chasing it down with Ocean spray juices (you ever notice its kept at room temperature for days), sodas, sugary cereals, crackers, or potato chips.

    The food that she was eating was more satiating because of the fats and fibers, so she could get her daily calories and feel good versus today when 2000 calories leave most people still wanting to snack.

    Pretty sure that's what I said, added in with the bit about quantity and the amount of physical activity we---that is, developed nations---don't engage in anymore. There's a reason "exercise" wasn't an industry until almost the fifties.

    The whole foods thing... look, obviously everyone should eat more fruits and vegetables, and less processed foods. But, just like the inane comment that started this discussion, cutting mayonaise (or candy bars, or sodas, or whatever) completely out of a diet, without making other changes to your lifestyle, isn't going to help you lose weight or necessarily make you healthier.

    Eating normal portions of food, cutting back on the gargantuan quantities of meat we're all eating here in first world nations, and getting in a little regular physical activity WILL help you lose weight. Channel a little Siddhārtha Gautama and embrace "the middle way".

    And don't even get me started on fad diets...
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I wouldn't call mayo "empty calories". It's made from egg yolk, oil and either vinegar or lemon juice. All very healthy ingredients that you're probably incorporating into your diet in other meals anyway.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Pretty sure that's what I said, added in with the bit about quantity and the amount of physical activity we---that is, developed nations---don't engage in anymore. There's a reason "exercise" wasn't an industry until almost the fifties.

    The whole foods thing... look, obviously everyone should eat more fruits and vegetables, and less processed foods. But, just like the inane comment that started this discussion, cutting mayonaise (or candy bars, or sodas, or whatever) completely out of a diet, without making other changes to your lifestyle, isn't going to help you lose weight or necessarily make you healthier.

    Eating normal portions of food, cutting back on the gargantuan quantities of meat we're all eating here in first world nations, and getting in a little regular physical activity WILL help you lose weight. Channel a little Siddhārtha Gautama and embrace "the middle way".

    And don't even get me started on fad diets...

    With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Not to mention the depletion of all of the micronutrients. Its typically feast or famine in that arena with process foods. We've managed to create a food source with 200% of your daily requirement of one nutrient with 0% of everything else. So now people are having tons of weird cravings.

    It takes a whole lot more to feel full on process foods, hence the ridiculous portion sizes that we've been eating since the 1980s.
  • HisShadow
    HisShadow Posts: 59 Member
    I grew up in a house where nothing was purchased at the grocery store except for Miracle Whip. I still prefer the taste on every variety of sandwiches except BLTs. I use Miracle Whip Light, and eat it almost every day with my lunch sandwich. It's not really too bad on fat & calories, and I do prefer the tangy zip. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Keep making things up
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Keep making things up

    Stop me if you heard this one....

  • With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Not to mention the depletion of all of the micronutrients. Its typically feast or famine in that arena with process foods. We've managed to create a food source with 200% of your daily requirement of one nutrient with 0% of everything else. So now people are having tons of weird cravings.

    It takes a whole lot more to feel full on process foods, hence the ridiculous portion sizes that we've been eating since the 1980s.

    What are you trying to argue here, buddy? That a diet shouldn't consist solely of processed foods? Is anyone even pushing that agenda? No.

    If you're trying to tell us that the only way to lose weight would be to completely rid your diet of processed foods, then I'd tell you you're full of crap. That makes about as much sense as Paleo or telling me I need to become a fruitarian or something.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Pretty sure that's what I said, added in with the bit about quantity and the amount of physical activity we---that is, developed nations---don't engage in anymore. There's a reason "exercise" wasn't an industry until almost the fifties.

    The whole foods thing... look, obviously everyone should eat more fruits and vegetables, and less processed foods. But, just like the inane comment that started this discussion, cutting mayonaise (or candy bars, or sodas, or whatever) completely out of a diet, without making other changes to your lifestyle, isn't going to help you lose weight or necessarily make you healthier.

    Eating normal portions of food, cutting back on the gargantuan quantities of meat we're all eating here in first world nations, and getting in a little regular physical activity WILL help you lose weight. Channel a little Siddhārtha Gautama and embrace "the middle way".

    And don't even get me started on fad diets...

    With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Not to mention the depletion of all of the micronutrients. Its typically feast or famine in that arena with process foods. We've managed to create a food source with 200% of your daily requirement of one nutrient with 0% of everything else. So now people are having tons of weird cravings.

    It takes a whole lot more to feel full on process foods, hence the ridiculous portion sizes that we've been eating since the 1980s.

    This will never pass the barrier of people's cerebral cortex. It will never sink in because people are so addicted to these food like substances that they don't want to understand.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Whenever I order a sandwich at a deli, I give the precise description of what I want: whole-wheat bread, cheddar, lettuce, tomato and mustard. Nine times of 10, the counter person replies: "No Mayo?"

    That's weird. I thought everyone got mustard on their subs.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    With whole foods, portion control is almost self correcting.

    People are so afraid of fats, but try eating 2000 calories of fat, just try eating 1000 cals of fat. Not only will you get full quickly, you won't be hungry again for hours.

    Portion control becomes an "science" when we eat carbs with no fiber i.e. potato chips and fruit juice.

    Not to mention the depletion of all of the micronutrients. Its typically feast or famine in that arena with process foods. We've managed to create a food source with 200% of your daily requirement of one nutrient with 0% of everything else. So now people are having tons of weird cravings.

    It takes a whole lot more to feel full on process foods, hence the ridiculous portion sizes that we've been eating since the 1980s.

    What are you trying to argue here, buddy? That a diet shouldn't consist solely of processed foods? Is anyone even pushing that agenda? No.

    If you're trying to tell us that the only way to lose weight would be to completely rid your diet of processed foods, then I'd tell you you're full of crap. That makes about as much sense as Paleo or telling me I need to become a fruitarian or something.

    Did I say any of that?


    I'm saying that process foods do not provide you with the same nutrients as whole foods and are not as satiating.

    You argue that that statement is "full of crap"?

    Can you give an example of a process food that is satisfying, nutrient rich and doesn't increase the calories in mass?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Whenever I order a sandwich at a deli, I give the precise description of what I want: whole-wheat bread, cheddar, lettuce, tomato and mustard. Nine times of 10, the counter person replies: "No Mayo?"

    Nope, don't want the empty calories and fat that come with Mayo or white bread.
    Mayo is not very flavorful in any case and white bread tastes no better than wheat.

    Add up all those mayo and white bread calories, not to mention high-fructose corn syrup in sodas, the propensity of Americans to eat fast food or packaged food products, and a generally sedentary lifestyle, there's little wonder why Americans are so chunky. I recall several "aha" moments even in Italy where I saw thin people drinking wine, eating pasta. They tend to walk a lot more, eat fresher food, their pizzas are ultra-thin crust, and it's nearly impossible to find mayo, Cokes and fries. Dessert and snacks there are usually fruit, sometimes a small scoop of gelat, unless it's a special occassion.

    I recall at my heaviest my meals consisted of McMuffins, burritos and chips, Domino's pizza. For what it's worth. One can make allot of progress just by eating more fresh stuff and cutting the junk.

    Love your post and agree 100%.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    Can you give an example of a process food that is satisfying, nutrient rich and doesn't increase the calories in mass?

    Some of my protein bars fit that model
  • Did I say any of that?

    I'll be honest, friend, I can't tell what it is you're trying to say.
    Can you give an example of a process food that is satisfying, nutrient rich and doesn't increase the calories in mass?

    There appears to be some miscommunication between the two of us. I was merely pointing out that the initator of this thread was operating under a couple of fallacious arguments, namely some over generalizations about Americans.

    Anyway, to the rest of the readers in this thread, I'd highly suggest everyone read "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto".

    And I'm out.