BelieveInYou Member


  • A really good one for your hamstrings and calves is to lay on the floor, scoot your butt up against the wall and extend your legs up the wall. With legs straight, flex your feet and pull your toes down toward you. If you can't completely straighten your legs, just go as far as you can and slowly work toward straightening…
  • 5' 4 3/4" here... they will never give me that extra quarter inch. I was a gymnast for 13 years and thought I was huge... and I was compared to the petite gymnasts I worked out with. But now that I'm done with that (too old) I'm finding that I'm actually kind of short. All my friends are taller than me now. I have a larger…
  • I found I had a food sensitivity to wheat however, when I gave it up, all of the arthritis symptoms I was having in my feet and hips went away. I also lost the bloated and overall achy feeling I had all the time.