nene51983 Member


  • High school softball injury. Dove to catch a ball and have been suffering ever since. The sciatica was pretty intense for the first 2 years. Nobody was able to tell me what the heck was wrong so it went undiagnosed for that long. And trip after trip to the chiropractor did nothing but make me feel worse. This injury…
  • Well I guess I will find out today then..... I am going to go home, put on my work out clothes and do at least an hour. Maybe going into the suana after my work out will help me get to that sleepy stage after my work out? Hopefully I will be able to sleep when I am done.
  • Yeah my schedule is so crazy the days I work it is sooooo hard to get that routine down. I work a 2 days on 2 days off schedule with rotating weekends. So on my days off I am on a normal sleeping schedule, well as much as I can be, so finding that key time to work out is so darn tricky. Not to mention eating..... How do…
  • Never had one of those nightmares before. Hope I never do. When was the last time..... You went go cart riding?
  • Whoops, you guys reply fast....... Meant to answer the painting question...... Pardon me messing up the flow....
  • Just moved into a new apartment and will be painting this week. Love the outcome, hate the process.... :explode: :love: When was the last time you......... went on a first date? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • I appreciate you welcoming me. I hope with people like you and the knowledge I can gain from this site, I will be on my way to a slimmer, happier, healthier me, in no time. Any tips on how to jump start my weight loss? I am the QUEEN of eating anything that is BAD for me. I love pizza, ice cream and chocolate. Need new…
  • I am a "wanna-be runner" for sure. I have never been able to run for even the smallest amount of time and I dream of just one day opening the front door with my running sneakers on and going for the longest, most relaxing run I could possibly do. My issue is I cannot even go 5 mins on a treadmill at 6.0 without feeling…
  • Wow, I am a big fan of the Biggest Loser and you are SOOOOO right. They go from doing NOTHING to kicking major butt. I think I may have to invest in that Insanity Program and see if it will work for me. Thanks for pointing that out!!!! :tongue:
  • I do try to exercise as much as I can. I tend to use the eliptical machine and do circuit training. I find things such as the torso twist and crunches or ab workouts on the floor are where I hurt the most in my back. I have 2 herniated disks and a pinch sciatic nerve. With the weight comes more pain but now Im in pain so…