maria_antoinette Member


  • After some searching I found these things.. that according to PALEO might be well tolerated and a good source of Vitamin C etc.. banana raisins swee tpotato apple wild rice and quinoa
  • NOTED!! yum.. thank you Ingredients 2 shots of top shelf tequila (preferably resposado or anejo, see tequila descriptions below), 3 shots if you’re feeling frisky The juice and pulp of one lime Club soda to taste
  • I gained weight because i ATE MORE .. of course.. 1000%....thats what i am saying... just because you do cardio with a belt saying you burned 1000 calories does not mean you can go eat an extra 500-1000 calories.. I TOTALLY PROVED THAT .. spinning does not make you gain weight if you dont eat more.. that would be silly.....
  • Of course i realize that... thats why i am never going to EAT extra calories just because i spin.... i think i just totally proved CALORIE SURPLUS = WEIGHT GAIN
  • LOVE IT!!! I am trying it :) !!! why NOT right? i am in maintence phase anyway.. trying to find out things to do that will help me NOT gain weight.. and this seems great... i will mix it up.. this is my monitored experiment year
  • I have been maintaining for years just by watching my calories.... the only reason i started paleo is because i can seriously do without the sugar and white starch and dairy from stomach issues.. so why not.. also i noticed that i am not hungry when i ear more fat llike they suggest.... so maintenance is more fun when you…
  • In the past, once i am around this weight around 130 i am feeling all FLY and skinny and i go and FALL OFF THE WAGON and end up gaining weight only to diet again to get back to 130... (never past 135).... THIS TIME I at the maintenance phase i am LOGGING IN EVERYDAY and logging what i notice patterns etc.. and…
  • I use to use only appliances from Williams and Sonoma etc.. and then for whatever reason I bought a ninja and never looked back.. its absolutly the BEST product out their.. Durable,sharp,fast, multipurpose and easy to wash. its on my counter - i dont have to assemble and re-assemble.. going to try making mayo with it…
  • I am also considering making my own mayo with olive oil.. I remember as a child I was taught how to make this. its basically like 2 egg yolks, some mustard,, spalsh of lemon and then you literally DRIP y DRIP the oil as it swirls in the blender.. you have to do it very slow or it will not work... and then you have an…
  • Ok perfect.. I get it.. ORGANIC good.. and 1 food at a time to see tolerance.. I would love to get back to yogurt and icecream one day.. but not yet... soon..
  • I have been reading alot .. and although PALEO says... NO DAIRY... but i am assuming it means ( no dairy you cant tolerate or sometimes i hear ONLY FULL fat dairy ).. so i am trying to undersand.. ad figure out anyone who actually eats ice-cream and which one they eat... alot of PALEO people love specific organic brands of…
  • I love forgetting about logging food and weighing myself.. this is what i have consistently done for YEARS but if i am honest with myself and everyone else. THE MINUTE I DO i fall off the wagon and gain weight.... and the danger ZONE is RIGT NOW. when i feel skinny and happy.. so happy i feel i could just NOT WORRY.. and…
  • yep.. thats what i am doing...
  • yes thats what i am doing... i did MORE cardio then weights in the past which did nothing but make me gain weight.. so now i will switch that up and that should do the trick i hope..
  • yeah i dont eat at night anymore at all!!!
  • I only take the scale out when my clothes starts to not fit.. and then i take out the scale.... AND OF COURSE my weight is up... Then i start LOGGING in my calories and of course i must have been eating more then i should.. because its funny.. the MINUTE i start logging in my food and writing my calories - my weight starts…
  • I HEARD about that SALT.. the Himalayan thing.. my cousins who are cross fit trainers told me about this when they told me about PALEO in chicago.... I am going to find it somewhere online.. THANK YOU!!!
  • well ok let me rephrase.. forget the number on the scale.... i If i gained 10 lbs and lost 2 inches i would be so happy............. great , even better.....:)! usually though measurments on my body and scale go hand in hand.. so its eisier to just say 5 lbs.. it gives people an idea
  • I take armour everyday for 10 years now.. numbers always in range from this.. i was lucky enough for my regular doctor to be an endo... but he DIED 1 month ago.. really freaked me out because NEW DOCTOR is not endo. i am lucky my numbers are ok or i would go to a specialist.. but still i avoid SALT like the plague.. i will…
  • When you say IODINE.. you mean table salt? thats so funny because all my life i was told.. DONT eat salt, dont add salt.. blah blah.. i wonder if low sodium soy is ok.. because i have at least a tablespoon of that a day... I just got total bloodwork back from doc so i was looking up everything.. and one part says SODIUM…
  • yes.. 5'4" 131 lbs.. been like this for a million years.. i lost all the MAJOR weight a long time ago.. 1200-1500 calories a day to maintain this.... would love to lose 5 more. it seems impossible however since i have been trying for over 10 years now.. lol... so i am just stuck in this weight WHICH IS FINE.. but it would…
  • yeah going to try MORE muscle training exercises and i am increasing my calories by adding protein and good fats and good veggies..... i am maintaning and not losing which is fine with me..... more calories... i also have to think about my thryoid problems.. so will try to eat food which help that issue.. just read about…
  • she was totally ok with it... and i did not even CRAVE IT which is like crazy because in the past. i would have eaten the pancake and syrup ..... i am in awe how well the PALEO curbs my appetite for crappy food
  • I spent the past 2 hours reading about what you said.. interesting how low carb might inhibit weight loss for people with thyroid issues... so like i will make sure to include MORE GOOD carbs... more berries and more green.. because low carb should not mean NO CARB it should mean NO BAD CARBS.. you know.. i feel great…
  • so ketosis is not good for people with slow thyroid.. is that what you are saying? interesting.. very kool... i take 2mg. of armour everyday..
  • the bmr and tdee its between 1200-1400 (sucks right).. its because of my height and age.. its been so great to keep my weight all these years.. but this time i am determined to not let it creep up. in the past i just feel like thin because i look great and then i let go of weighing myself and the scale and always in a few…
  • i have thyroid as well.. and also low metabolism due to calorie restriction my whole life.. so this might take a while.. since i switched from low calorie to paleo.. i am eating more calories.. but since i ate so little before. i must thank my lucky stars i am not gaining weight right? because i AM eating more... i am so…