

  • **applause*** to you for eating and knowing when you need help. I've had ED all my life, in one form or another. Currently, I pretty much suck. Life got a little stressful.... So I have just one little piece of advice for you. IF you really are looking to get some kind of recovery going, you need to try "NOT" to seek out…
  • Maybe you're actually in better "shape" than you think! If you are mainly doing cardio for your workouts, you may need to up the intensity a little bit. If you're walking outside , you can add a couple of handweights to add a little intensity. Change your pace. Use a stop watch and go fast for two minutes, then back to…
  • I try really hard to stay away from the microwave lunches and dinners, because they are so high in sodium and other junk! My favorite lunches when I'm stuck in the car or can't cook.... banana with natural peanut butter - I pack it in the morning, just peel the banana down, split in half, and put the peanut butter on, and…
  • Good morning, ladies! I know it's late in the month but hoping you'll take on a new member! I'm 32 years old and starting walking/jogging/running a year ago to improve my health and energy levels. The payoffs are amazing!!! I'm in better shape than I have ever been, even though the scale doesn't quite read the number I…
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