ED recovery/support?

Is anyone else on here starting recovery, have been recovering, or is recovered from an eating disorder(any kind)? I was wondering if we could be friends on here. I'm trying to let myself reach out for some additional support...as hard as it is for me(Ed hates other people getting involved). I've been doing well keeping my intake above 1000, and almost always at/above 1200. I'll be starting college next Monday and I'm scared Ed will start calling me again. I don't think I can go back to college on my own again...that's what made Ed come out from where he was hiding in the first place. I'll probably slip up and I may have a relapse day or two, but I'm trying my best to reach out and achieve full recovery(even on days when Ed tells me that I'm "not *that* sick" or that I'm "all better now").


  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I'm not (was overweight like most people here) but good on you, and keep it up!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I have seen several posts regarding individuals with EDs. I do not know how to locate them but keep posting if you do not get reponses to this particular post. There are a lot of people on here in the same boat as you! Good luck to you!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I'm not either, but wanted to wish you luck Jackie...it sounds like you're doing a good job of working through this and I commend you for asking for help. I hope you find some other people who can help you!

    Have you tried the search feature on the message boards?
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I've never been diagnosed with an eating disorder. But I definitely had disordered thinking during my high school years. Tried to keep intake under 500calories, exercise obsessively. And I lost weight. But that lifestyle doesn't last. And I gained all the weight back and then some more. Make it a goal to be healthy. I took up running. You can't be a malnourished runner, well I guess you can, but it would be painful. I just run against myself everyday trying to improve. Your body needs fuel to operate. Try to stay above 1200 calories. Make that a small goal and see how it goes. Baby steps.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Hello there! I would love to add you to my friends, if you don't mind. I first started struggling with eating when I was 10 years old. I literally woke up one morning terrified of food. I was placed in a clinic for 45 days when I was 11. This was my first of three clinic stays from 11 to 19. I have suffered with anorexia and bulimia. I'm 27 now, but I know how hard it is. I actually work with a lot of patients who have eating disorders (I don't say "had", because it never truly goes away), so I see the struggles firsthand on a daily basis. I would love to offer you any support you need. I've spent over half my life battling it, and although I'm "recovered"...it's never easy. Hang in there, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you <3
  • JCubbins
    JCubbins Posts: 92
    I've never been diagnosed with any kind of ED, but I had real problems with food for a couple of months (Dec '10-Mar '11). If you ate less than 500 cals and even carrots terrified you, you'd think something's wrong, right? Well, that was me. I started running and worked my way from a teenager scared of food to a teenage runner. ;)
    I'd love to be your friend, I promise I'll do my best to support you.
  • Jackie_Snape80
    Wow, thanks for the responses guys!
  • Jackie_Snape80
    I've never been diagnosed with any kind of ED, but I had real problems with food for a couple of months (Dec '10-Mar '11). If you ate less than 500 cals and even carrots terrified you, you'd think something's wrong, right?

    Exactly! That was me, and I thought that was perfectly fine. it was just me "dieting"; nothing wrong there. Yeah...right -_-
  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    MEEEEE!!! I was soo hoping to find people on here in the same boat I am. :) I'm so glad we're pals on here.. :)))
  • rgreenwood03
    **applause*** to you for eating and knowing when you need help. I've had ED all my life, in one form or another. Currently, I pretty much suck. Life got a little stressful....
    So I have just one little piece of advice for you. IF you really are looking to get some kind of recovery going, you need to try "NOT" to seek out others with ED. Unless you can be in a controlled place with a mediator (like counseling), then it will only harm you! Let me explain.....I saw your post, then before replying I looked at your profile, which of course led me to see a couple of the friends pics as well.....which is, for many with anorexia, a MAJOR trigger! It's awesome to seek out help. It's awesome that you may know some of your triggers - like going to school. But my suggestion would be to seek out some friends here that are athletes, or nutritionists, something more like that. In my experience that will help you more. Anyone currently struggling themselves with disorded eating will only make it harder for you to concentrate on YOU! I know it's sometimes hard for me to talk to someone who is "recovered" - because I'm pretty sure my habits could be a trigger to them. I'd never ever want to do that to someone!!
    If you aren't ready to get better (sometimes you just aren't ready! the ED is your friend!) , just take your time and ease into things....don't put too much pressure on yourself about school. Chances are, if you are stressed or worried about it, it will be a trigger, you will have a setback, and then before you know it you will bounce back again to who you are today. Don't worry about it. That's the nature of ED - it doesn't ever go away! Try to be kind to yourself, and keep a journal so you can write down what you're feeling as you make the transistion back to school this fall.
    Good luck!! You're worth every effort, everyday!!!!