I just wrote in the other thread: So today is my Up-Day :happy:
I've startet 10in2 on Monday. Thats: 1= eat and 0=fast in 2 Days. But I don't do it on the weekends. The important thing is to fasten the complete 36 hours - for health reasons like cell-renewal. So thats how my week looks like: Monday = 0 Cal (just water & tea) Tuesday = up to 2000 Cal Wednesday = 0 Cal Thursday = up to…
Great job everybody! You can be so proud of yourself!
Try or just do 4-Minutes Tabatas (look that up on Youtube). That stuff really works for me!
I enjoy doing Tabatas early in the morning. Thats also an intervall-training which goes like this: 20 sec Workout 10 sec Rest Repeat 8 Times. So thats only 4 Minutes a day but you can feel and see the difference so soon! I got the excercises form Youtube. Just google "burn fat fast tabata youtube". Nice greetings from…