i know i am late but yesterday was day 9 for me on the 1st level... i have injured the front side of my shin from painting the house and going up and down the when i do my first jumping jack i am almost in tears.. so i'm gonna rest my leg and then i will be out of town for the holiday..but when i come back and…
you CAN and WILL do it!!!... consider yourself a non-smoker as of now... i smoked for 21 years, since i was 13.. i have never tried to quit, only because i LOVED smoking... On august 1st of this year i woke up and said to myself i don't want a cigarette... and i am now a is hard and after the 4th day,it is…
thanks guys..i apperciate your answers..
thanks amanda.. i will keep that in mind and see how the first day goes!
thank you.. you answered them all!!!!